My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

Nice recovery. Can certainly see colour returning. :beer:

Thanks Sahin! Things are on track again, I'm really excited to see everything rebound. All in all I only lost one frag, a smooth skin that really had a lot of potential, but I suppose acceptable when all things are considered.
More rock color changing photos for you guys. :spin1: Sorry I couldn't help myself.





Very cool comparison pics, you can see the color returning without a doubt. I take lots of pics of my corals because sometimes a picture comparison is the only way to be sure that colors are changing or growth is occuring. These are great:)
Very cool comparison pics, you can see the color returning without a doubt. I take lots of pics of my corals because sometimes a picture comparison is the only way to be sure that colors are changing or growth is occuring. These are great:)

Pictures are very unbiased and revealing, thank you Matt. :)
Looking good Josh! So do a fellow Kentuckian a favor and tell me your current light schedule, dosing if anything, feeding schedule, tank temp (throwing in random things at this point), etc. :D
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Hey Josh,
Nice update, the corals are on the re-bound with color and growth, great stuff!!!

Thanks! :D

Looking good Josh! So do a fellow Kentuckian a favor and tell me your current light schedule, dosing if anything, feeding schedule, tank temp (throwing in random things at this point), etc. :D

Of course!

  • Light schedule is simple, 8 hours a day, on/off, nothing special at all.
  • BRS 2-part
    - 20 ml alkalinity daily
    - 20 ml calcium daily
  • I feed mostly LRS food, I used to feed LRS Reef Frenzy but my LFS recently only had Fish Frenzy last time so I'm giving it a shot. I feed 2-3 times a day mon-thurs and on weekends I usually only feed once at night (though my brother does feed sometimes, not a lot as he's more conservative on feeding than I am.).
  • My tanks temperature hovers around 78-80.5.
  • I have a marinepure 8x8x4 block in my sump, I guess that's kind of an oddity around here. I cannot directly attribute any diverse effects from it thus far, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking about the alumina/aluminum being leached and whether or not its hindering growth or color at all. There's a decent debate around it and Randy Holmes-Farley says to use with caution, last I read.
  • I do a weekly 10g WC with Reef Crystals.

I think that's about it really, I can't think of anything else that's different about my system that may be of use. I might experiment with additives etc. in the future but for now I just want to keep it simple.
Did I mention how good the blues are looking? :lolspin:

Everything looks great but something is missing... oh! Some fish pics!! lol haven't seen any gorgeous fish pics recently ;)

Unfortunately I just recently went through fish drama a few weeks ago, either brook or velvet wiped all but four of my wrasses out. Not sure what it came in on, but I'm over it, just need to figure out how I'm going to proceed from here.

I'm just really happy I'm getting my acros to show great growth and seeing the color come back has been exciting enough for me. I also lost both of my clams to a Pilumnus sayi, after I caught him I fed him to the geese outside my house for some much needed revenge.

I will try to get more pictures this week, thanks. :)

Clearly I missed an update..
Things are looking better and better, Josh.
But this baby.. Wow the blue is crazy. I want that and I want it bad.