My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

corals like great!
So are you still going to get a ATS or a chaeto reactor? Im still waiting inline for my L4 but will still be awhile, but i will no doubt be happy with it.
corals like great!
So are you still going to get a ATS or a chaeto reactor? Im still waiting inline for my L4 but will still be awhile, but i will no doubt be happy with it.


I really want to get the L2, but I recently lost my job so I'm having to put it off for now. I might just grow chaeto down in the sump the old fashioned way since I already have what I'd need, at least for now.

I really want to get the L2, but I recently lost my job so I'm having to put it off for now. I might just grow chaeto down in the sump the old fashioned way since I already have what I'd need, at least for now.
Sorry about losing your job i know how that is about 7 years ago i lost my job i worked at over 12 years, because of the economy and had to stop everything for a while until i got another better job ive been in for 5+ years now so hang in there something better aways comes along.:thumbsup:
About the TBS live rock, are you only running 60lbs of LR in total?

What else do you run equipment wise other than your skimmer. Are you running GFO/Carbon/Bio-Pellets? Do you Carbon dose?

I'm looking to set up something similar water volume so I'm curious what else works to keep up a SPS dominate tank.
Sorry about losing your job i know how that is about 7 years ago i lost my job i worked at over 12 years, because of the economy and had to stop everything for a while until i got another better job ive been in for 5+ years now so hang in there something better aways comes along.:thumbsup:

Thanks man, it was just a paycheck not like a career or anything. It's a good excuse to focus on going back to school this fall and maybe just work part time to feed my hobby haha.

About the TBS live rock, are you only running 60lbs of LR in total?

What else do you run equipment wise other than your skimmer. Are you running GFO/Carbon/Bio-Pellets? Do you Carbon dose?

I'm looking to set up something similar water volume so I'm curious what else works to keep up a SPS dominate tank.

Only 60lbs of rock total, 30lbs of their sand.

I run two 7" filter socks, a marinepure ceramic block (8x8x4), and the skimmer. I plan on adding either a ATS or growing chaeto in the sump soon, my original plan was to get the L2 from Turbo's Aquatics, but I can't foresee being able to afford it right now so I'm figuring out a plan b. I don't like running GFO/carbon, but I will run carbon passively if something happens and it's necessary.
Sorry to hear, Josh.. Good to hear your decision to go back to school.
In another lifetime, I finished a degree in sociology with a minor in English lit.
I've been an aquarium maintenance guy ever since!
I'm very good at explaining to my clients why and how their fish are interecting with one another.........
Fish, people... Same thing! :)
Took some quick top downs, wanted to do non-top-down photos but didn't have time to clean the glass and take more pictures.


This one is getting the blue on it, I don't know how this piece is going to look but I knew about this blue color it was supposed to get.



Oregon Tort is getting lighter, and the polyps are a light blue now as well.


Old photo I meant to post last round
Sorry to hear, Josh.. Good to hear your decision to go back to school.
In another lifetime, I finished a degree in sociology with a minor in English lit.
I've been an aquarium maintenance guy ever since!
I'm very good at explaining to my clients why and how their fish are interecting with one another.........
Fish, people... Same thing! :)

Thanks Matt! You're too funny, I'm glad you still find time/passion for your own tank working with them all the time.
Got the tank drilled for a return line so I could use the internal weir as a herbie drain. I decided not to go with the ghost/synergy overflow as I didn't feel confident in modifying the tank so much. It'll give me another reason to upgrade in the future. ;) Also got the background on, it's frosted glass window tint. Hopefully I don't regret doing it. :D

Return is temporary I think. :p


and the overflow plumbing mostly finished, still needs to be tested for leaks.


Nice build! Very inspiring. I just picked up a deep blue reef ready 55 gallon. I have guestion if you don't mind... Is the adjustable slotted part in the back of the overflow suppose to face down (like in this picture)? they had it facing upwards. I'm assuming for their recommended plumbing method? I'm going with the herbie method too.


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Nice build! Very inspiring. I just picked up a deep blue reef ready 55 gallon. I have guestion if you don't mind... Is the adjustable slotted part in the back of the overflow suppose to face down (like in this picture)? they had it facing upwards. I'm assuming for their recommended plumbing method? I'm going with the herbie method too.

I have mine facing like yours, I just figured that's how it's supposed to go. Hm, I want to try switching it to see what that does, maybe it'll drop the DT water level some which I wouldn't mind.

Nice frags. Seeing your OT makes me wonder if I have a true OT..
Yours is gorgeous.

Thanks Matt, It's a great piece. I don't even know if mine has true lineage or not, I just trusted the seller at a frag swap; but whether it's a real OT or not I like it.
Thanks, that is what I figured too. My tank came with it facing the opposite way so it made me a little curious. If you do end up switching it let me know what you learn. My tank isn't up and running yet or I would try.
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Just wanted to pop in and say things are still going great, just haven't had the time to do a photo update! My tank seems to be hitting some sort of equilibrium, some of the funky algae in the system has disappeared and the growth on my acros and coralline has picked up even more. I'm going to attempt some updated photos within the next few days, I should have the time so keep checking in! :)
Any update on the overflow mod? I am looking to purchase the 80 gallon Deep Blue aquarium and will most likely drill the back panel as you did.
Any update on the overflow mod? I am looking to purchase the 80 gallon Deep Blue aquarium and will most likely drill the back panel as you did.

Do you mean flipping the thing in the overflow like ChitownBrickie and I were talking about? I tried that if so and it made the water in the overflow itself too low and caused too much noise.
Request granted guys! :beer:

I'm going on vacation soon so it's kind of scaring me to go away for so long, the longest I've left it is 3 days.

It's getting harder and harder to take photos of my acros, and depending on their location it really hasn't been possible to get great shots so forgive some of the pic quality I just can't afford a macro lens right now. :D







