My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

Unfortunately I just recently went through fish drama a few weeks ago, either brook or velvet wiped all but four of my wrasses out. Not sure what it came in on, but I'm over it, just need to figure out how I'm going to proceed from here.

I'm just really happy I'm getting my acros to show great growth and seeing the color come back has been exciting enough for me. I also lost both of my clams to a Pilumnus sayi, after I caught him I fed him to the geese outside my house for some much needed revenge.

I will try to get more pictures this week, thanks. :)
Sounds like a shitty couple of weeks Josh :( sorry to hear it mate!
I'm glad the acro's are all pumping and looking good though and new pics are always exciting lol

Have you given any more though about new fish or just leaving that for the moment?

Clearly I missed an update..
Things are looking better and better, Josh.
But this baby.. Wow the blue is crazy. I want that and I want it bad.

Haha thanks Matt, now if only those polyps would change to anything but brown??? lol

Sounds like a shitty couple of weeks Josh :( sorry to hear it mate!
I'm glad the acro's are all pumping and looking good though and new pics are always exciting lol

Have you given any more though about new fish or just leaving that for the moment?

What's done is done, time to move on and rebuild. I think I want to go wrasse heavy this time around, maybe 1 tang and 1 angel and then all wrasses from there.

Some pieces keep getting pulled up by one of my urchins (they are epoxied down) which is really starting to tick me off, I can imagine the acros don't appreciate that.... But other than that things are pretty good with most of the acros, some pieces that have been dormant are now growing which is good.

Thanks for stopping in Dom, will try to get some pics uploaded tomorrow and maybe I'll be able to get a fish pic or two of whats remaining.
Slow and steady, things are picking up now I'm at 50ml daily Alkalinity/Calcium consumption. Color still coming in, but it's improving! Pictures speak for themselves.









Some LPS flubber things


Thanks for looking.
Nice update Josh! Your corals are looking very happy. Excellent colors!

Thanks Conor! I'm really happy with the progress so far, I'm starting to see some of them change colors to what they should be, like the efflorescens (last acro pic), is starting to get lighter; at its peak (that I've seen anyways) it's white skinned with purple tips and green poylps, which is all starting to become prevalent. Just a bit longer and I think most of the colors should be back to normal. :beer:
Your PL is colored perfectly. Are you giving it a ton of light?

It's the highest thing in my tank, but I wouldn't say anything is getting low par in this system. I need to borrow my local clubs par meter to map my tank. Thanks. :)

Wow. Colours are looking really good.
What's your latest maintenance and additive regimen?

BRS 2-part and 10% water change weekly, that's it. I know, I know, it's really complicated. :p Thank you!

Wow man those blues are to die for!!! And so is that pink lemonade.

Everything is back on track, as long as I don't mess it up I should have a few more looking sexy soon. :) Thanks!
BRS 2-part and 10% water change weekly, that's it. I know, I know, it's really complicated. :p Thank you!

We are on the same maintenance program right now. I was inspired by an article that Michael Paletta wrote about Jason Fox's tanks, who also keeps it very simple, but is still achieving amazing results. One of the things i really love about this hobby is the fact that we can take many different roads to achieve what we are looking for in our tanks.
That makes me happy to hear. Everything is looking great!

Thanks! :beer:

BRS 2-part and 10% water change weekly, that's it. I know, I know, it's really complicated. :p Thank you!

We are on the same maintenance program right now. I was inspired by an article that Michael Paletta wrote about Jason Fox's tanks, who also keeps it very simple, but is still achieving amazing results. One of the things i really love about this hobby is the fact that we can take many different roads to achieve what we are looking for in our tanks.

I also like that there's multiple ways to be successful, it's easy to follow one or two people and think that there's no other way; but of course that isn't true. Sometimes simple works and works well, so maybe our threads can inspire other's to not be put-off thinking they need a large dosing regimen. I'm still waiting on most of my acros to color up to how they should be, but it's getting there.

I think patience after a big event like I went through where my system basically crashed and I had to start over is the hardest thing. When you're waiting around for things to color up and stop being dormant, it's really easy to want to experiment. So far I'm happy to say I haven't and will continue with the current course, since things seem to be improving daily.

Damn, Josh. Throw a penny in there or something! You're making it look too easy!! :)

How about I throw a quarter in for good luck instead? :lol:
Wonderful shots and some really happy colours in there Josh!! I'd say it definitely looks like your tank has come around the corner and is really starting to take off :) That pink lemonade is absolutely gorgeous :inlove:
Wonderful shots and some really happy colours in there Josh!! I'd say it definitely looks like your tank has come around the corner and is really starting to take off :) That pink lemonade is absolutely gorgeous :inlove:

Thanks Dom, I love my pink lemonade. I hope some of the other pieces start showing off soon as well. :bounce2:
I haven't really paid attention to this one because it's brown and ugly from the side view, but I was looking at old photographs of it to see growth and all I can say is wow! Top down it's not to shabby looking either! When I saw this I had to take a photo and do a side-by-side comparison to show off.

Congrats, you are pulling some really nice colors off on them coral pics. The growth looks great too, very nice indeed :) Keep up the great work, and keep them pics rolling!
Congrats, you are pulling some really nice colors off on them coral pics. The growth looks great too, very nice indeed :) Keep up the great work, and keep them pics rolling!

Thanks Perry! My next goal is a couple of fish pics and an updated FTS, hopefully I can manage those sometime this week.

Dang Josh, thats insane growth in just a month man. Goint to have to send some acros for you to grow for me lol

If only all of my acros grew that quick! Actually I don't think I'd want them to grow that quickly, can you imagine the labor when they became colonies? I bet I'd be trimming 4 times a week ahah. Thank you!

Nice growth Josh! I'm normally on the KISS method too.

Thanks Mindy!

Being new to acros the last thing I want to do is get in over my head, keeping it simple works for me for now. Technically I've kept acros for about a year now (not in this system), but that's still new in the grand scheme of things. ;)