My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

If that's what it is I will be blown away, what an amazing piece. If not, I still think it has a lot of potential, I never expected it to color how it is... haha.

Here's a photo timeline I did for you.


These are really good!
Both look like they'll be amazing.
Can't wait to see them keep growing out.
These are really good!
Both look like they'll be amazing.
Can't wait to see them keep growing out.

It's the same piece, the first row is before/during my tank issues, and the second row is after my little tank reboot with the new TBS live rock (sorry I should've explained better, but it was late haha). Looking back at the old pictures you could see the blue early on, but at the time I had just figured it was a prelude to turning purple like I was expecting. :p Now I don't know what to expect. :D
I still haven't placed the frags yet, I've kind of been holding off as there's an impending move coming up since my parents are building a house and closing could be as soon as next week. I'm not worried about the move, it's 15 minutes away and will be carefully done as we'll own both properties so there'll be no rush. Anyways this update isn't about that, let's get to the good stuff. :)

I bought a 5 pack from Adam at Battle Corals recently, they came in Tuesday. The water was rather cold so they bleached out rather badly in shipping, but so far I haven't seen any STN or anything and PE has been excellent. I think they'll be okay.

Pic right after being placed in my tank

Here's what they should (might?) look like. :p

Recent top down of the frag rack

Very happy that my pink lemonade is getting its yellow back, it's been more of a green since the tank transfer.

Josh - do you have any recent pics of the five pieces from Adam? I have a few frags myself from those exact same colonies.
#3 looks slick! What is that frag on your rack on the bottom right with blue tips, light body, and green polyps?
Josh - do you have any recent pics of the five pieces from Adam? I have a few frags myself from those exact same colonies.


#2 Lost it to dinos



#5 No updated pictures, just now starting to color up. I will be taking a photo next set of pictures.

#6 (Freebie)

#3 looks slick! What is that frag on your rack on the bottom right with blue tips, light body, and green polyps?

Wild Acropora valida, I almost lost that piece and it's still being grumpy for me but color is mostly back to where it was.

That one caught my eye as well.

#3 is BC Ultimate Table
Colors are really coming through now Josh, those frags are sweet :)

The frag rack pic is scrumdiddly :thumbsup:
Small little update, wanted to get pics of three of them for documentary reasons and decided to take a couple more shots.

This piece just keeps getting better and better, I'm loving the sky blue color.



This is #5 from the pack from Adam, it's finally starting to color up.


I'm really starting to love this piece again :)


I'm thinking this piece may be turning light pink with yellow tips, pic doesn't show it so well but we'll see.... It's been a pain getting this piece to color up, this color combo would be much appreciated from brown. :)

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Small little update, wanted to get pics of three of them for documentary reasons and decided to take a couple more shots.

This piece just keeps getting better and better, I'm loving the sky blue color.

I agree with you, that's a real beauty!
Some new pics, hope you all enjoy! :D




Neon green monti before I placed it today


Ornate Leopard Wrasse


Melanurus Wrasse


Duncan colony, a bit smaller than a football (American).

Good growth tips on most of those acros, Josh.
Looking good!

My alkalinity has slowly crept up to 9 dkh from 8.5 dkh, I usually keep it at 8 but that's besides the point... point is, my growth has slowed down some, the opposite of what I wish it would do. :facepalm: That being said growth is slowly happening, I'm happy with how things are. I seem to look at certain acros and think to myself "That ones really about to take off!", and it let's me down, acros can be such a tease. :rolleyes: haha