

Premium Member
Here is where we start the nominations. If you know someone that would be a good leader for this club please nominate them for a position. They will have to accept. You do not have to be an expert in reefkeeping to be on the BOD just willing to serve. There are 4 positions open, Pres, VP, Treasurer and secutary. You must be nominated to a specific position but can run in multable positions. You can only hold one though so if you won both Pres. and VP you would get Pres and the 2nd place winner will get the VP.
Wayne could you list the responsibilties for each position? That would help anyone who is interested but doesnt really know what the position consists of to make up their minds if its something they would like to do or could do at all..

I am going to post the by-laws and the constitution on the club website tonight. I will advise when it's done.
I would like to nominate Zef (zef004) for Secertary of the Club and he has agreed to accept that nomination.
I would like to nominate Andy for president as well.

It would be a shame to let this opportunity for Andy and Bill to do battle to go by the wayside.

If Brandon is up to it, I'd like nominate him for VP also. He got out of it last year by saying he "might" move away. Not gonna happen this time pal :p
Chuck, I hate to disappoint you but there will be no battle as I have not the skills to be a diplomat or anything even closely resembling one. I would be more than happy to make some suggestions as to how the club may be Improved But will draw the line there. Nice to be considered but God Man think about what your saying! LOL
please post a copy of that here for the members that cannot access the mtrc website...

I am certain an officer can email them to you if you desire. I do not feel comfortable posting our by laws here. If an officer wants to, then that is up to them.

For everyone else, there is a link on the main menu (left side) of the home page for each.
I would like to nominate Andy for president as well.

It would be a shame to let this opportunity for Andy and Bill to do battle to go by the wayside.

If Brandon is up to it, I'd like nominate him for VP also. He got out of it last year by saying he "might" move away. Not gonna happen this time pal :p

Chuck, you make it sound as though I have been this big pain in the a$$ for the board..LOL
Andy I think you got that one A$$ backwards, It's I with the rep not you!
Actually Ithink I would like to nominate Brandon for President as the senior member of the club that would be running!
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I accept and honored that I am nominated.
I also like to 2nd for Justin as Treasurer.
And Andy as pres.
And Brandon for vp
and bill I think you can do it.
Haha Andy. No, thats not what I meant. You and Bill would make a good matchup in the octagon is all I'm saying.

I would also like to nominate MVik for a position. I know he has been thinking about it, either VP or Pres. Up to him how he wants to fit in, but his name is out there.
Zachb if we create another position in the Bylaws of IT goro or some title would you consider the job? Or anyone else? I know we have a lot of computer savy people here.
A quick and dirty on what the positions do or did in the past.

President is in charge off calling the meetings and setting the agenda. He is also acts as the head of the group in dealing with other organizations or the public.

VP acts as President in case of absence of the Pres. Also does functions ask by the president.

Treasurer is the money man he maintains the financial record and pays the bills. He is checked by the Pres.

Sec. takes the notes and publish what the BOD has done.

In the past the meetings have been real informal and open to others but it up to the new BOD how they want to do it.

If we added the 3 new positions I would guess the following would be new jobs:

Event Cord. Coordinate events to include the swap and trips.

IT Cord. Coordinate the impl. of the web site and growth of it. Evaluate and recommend to the BOD of the best IT solutions for the club. Assist in keeping web site up to date. This is a large job so it would have others that would help.

The last one could be called a PR Dir. and could work with the event cord and help with the LFS and public.
Thanks for the descriptions Wayne.... I checked out the by laws that andywe posted on the MTRC website also..

Sounds like some very interesting positions...