Hello Steve,
DT is 180g with 150lbs dry rock, 5 lbs live rock, and 2" live sand bed. Sump is a 75g tank, with a 32g refugium chamber that has 5" DSB. I do plan to have corals in the future once things mature. Finally, I have 20g long QT. My fish list is below:
2 orange ocellaris clowns (Just completed TTM, in QT right now)
In order of introduction, i am looking at:
1 dwarf flame angel most likely not reef safe
1 Goby (Thinking orange spotted, diamond watchman, or orange stripe prawn)
1 shrimp to pair with Goby (species undetermined at this point) alpheus randal
1 powder blue tang
1 yellow tang introduce last
1 Mandarin(once tank matures)
Is this list ok? Is the order of introduction ok?
Thanks in advance, ZB.