Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

I honestly dont believe trying to get a whitespot free aquarium is worth all that- depressing loss, i am of the opinion that is more about controlling whitespot(Uv, ozone,waterchanges,quarantine....) than eliminating it, just like you would control other parameters in an aquarium- very sorry for your losses all of us have this experience at some points in this hobby
Thanks for the update Ryan I am sorry to hear about your losses :sad1: I know that you have an affinity for rare and beautiful fishes and man it just sucks to lose any fish let alone the hard to find ones. After reading your and Brian's experiences I am now fully in the "you can never get rid if it" camp. I'll still QT as I do believe in the benefits but I guess I won't worry so much about a little ich in the display (when I get my display back). Glad that your display is "back to normal" and you're enjoying it again :thumbsup:
Sorry for the loss Ryan
I feel your pain. Ick is very expensive
Since I set up my tank last year and multiple attempts of going fallow and I QT all my fish I still lose this much fish
7 emperor angel including my favorite orange tail
1 asfur angel
1 giant macolusus angel
2 queen angel
1 Koran angel
Yellow angel
4 clown tang
8 yellow tang*
2 purple tang
4 blue tang
2 vlamingi
3 powder brown tang
7 yellow coris wrasse
Maybe 6 pairs of different clownfish*
Clown trigger
Niger trigger
3 Blue jaw trigger
Few damsel and chromis
To name a few.

WOW lawerence. That is a lot of fish to lose. I would start to think of a reason for a loss of that many fish. Im sorry for your loss as well but that is a terrible list to read. why are they dieing? not eating, disease?
I honestly dont believe trying to get a whitespot free aquarium is worth all that- depressing loss, i am of the opinion that is more about controlling whitespot(Uv, ozone,waterchanges,quarantine....) than eliminating it, just like you would control other parameters in an aquarium- very sorry for your losses all of us have this experience at some points in this hobby

I agree with you. I do think it is possible but It is very difficult especially in a Reef. When you add corals to a reef there is water on those corals that could possibly contain ich. I think Chris Campbell set his tank up right with dry rock and QT all fish. I believe that my fish were ich free in QT but the tank was never rid of ich even after 8 weeks fallow because it took a week or so for each fish to shot some signs of ich. If it were still on the fish it should have popped up quickly because the addition to a new environment is the most stressful!
Thanks for the update Ryan I am sorry to hear about your losses :sad1: I know that you have an affinity for rare and beautiful fishes and man it just sucks to lose any fish let alone the hard to find ones. After reading your and Brian's experiences I am now fully in the "you can never get rid if it" camp. I'll still QT as I do believe in the benefits but I guess I won't worry so much about a little ich in the display (when I get my display back). Glad that your display is "back to normal" and you're enjoying it again :thumbsup:

Thanks Dan! Im not too worried about it either now. Like what I said above, i do think its possible, just like copps told me "Very Difficult."

I definitly still QT because I dont want velvet or flukes. But i wont do 5 weeks of copper. 3 weeks should be ok and the settle in period of a QT is priceless. Things coudl have gone much worse for me during my fallow period and for that I am grateful. I am very happy about enjoying the tank as well. It is so nice ot sit on the couch in front of the tank and just enjoy!

I'm going to work on some pics and a video but My time is very scarce right now. I took another job as a Financial Advisor and I have gone back to school to finish up by degree so that is eating up most of my time!

The corals are looking incredible right now and growing great! Oh yeah, I took my Calcium reactor offline and am just using Kalk right now and I have noticed a vast improvement in corals growth. Well in my sps that is. My chalices have not been doing so hot with very light spots on them. I thought it was the lighting but I dont think so because the light period has been like that for a year or more with the chalices doing great. im guessing it has somehting to do with the lack of fish in that tank creating food for the chalices and my alk staying low around 7. I've been keeping this low because of the Zeo supplements I add for nutrient control because I feed soo much. However, I bought some alk supplements to try to bump it up to maybe 7.5 or 8 and see what the effect on my chalices and sps are!
WOW lawerence. That is a lot of fish to lose. I would start to think of a reason for a loss of that many fish. Im sorry for your loss as well but that is a terrible list to read. why are they dieing? not eating, disease?

So many reason
Stress from not having cleaners since I killed all the cleaner shrimp during red bug treatment.
Too many aggressive fish causes so much stress.
Neglect due to My health issues ( kidney stones) I swear i just turn 33 and I feel like I am 66:( while in QT.

So my tank will be almost fishless for a while...
Sorry to hear about the loses Ryan. I know the process to well and lost a few fish myself.
So many reason
Stress from not having cleaners since I killed all the cleaner shrimp during red bug treatment.
Too many aggressive fish causes so much stress.
Neglect due to My health issues ( kidney stones) I swear i just turn 33 and I feel like I am 66:( while in QT.

So my tank will be almost fishless for a while...

Man Oh Man!

well let the tank settle down and slowly add some more fish after QT...
Sorry to hear about the loses Ryan. I know the process to well and lost a few fish myself.

Thanks Brian. Im most upset about the Splendid and Rhomboids. It is just so hard to find the cf. lanceolatus :furious:

Have you decided to just run a bunch of UV to help w/ ich?
Congrats on the new gig Ryan :celeb1: Hope it goes well and going back to school is always a good thing :beer:

Thanks Dan! It is very fun and interesting. I have some family in the business with some incredible connections that should help me be very sucessful. That way I'll be able to set up a bigger tank! But for now, It is a lot of time with school, 2 jobs, and a wife and kids... Oh and a big a$$ tank!
Here are a few shots from today...



