SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

Nice Sara! I like the magnetic frag rocks on the back wall...

Thanks Ian! The magnetic frag rocks are there to hold some of my chalice collection. I just need to get some free time to move them in to the display.
Thanks for the link. This is a very good thread full of neat ideas. I liked being able to catch up on the full project from the beginning - build threads are so much fun.

Great idea on the cut-down sink to act as a tray for your skimmer. :thumbsup:

Those surge tanks look pretty good up there too. How do you like the flow entering the tank? If you want to see the flow, put some Purple Up in the surge tank right before it dumps. How does the air vent work? Does water pour out of the black tubing into your overflow once the surge is going?

The woodwork looks great, and I covet your neon clownfish.

Keep up the good work, and we'll watch your corals grow in.
great looking tank and you have a nice fish collection to go along with it!!!!! I can't wait to skim through the thread
About time you put out some updates. :)

The shelves on the back wall really work well w/ the fabulous aquascaping. :D

Just get those chalices in there!
Looking good. Seems like you are starting to see nice growth, and the fish collection is looking great as always.
Thanks for the link. This is a very good thread full of neat ideas. I liked being able to catch up on the full project from the beginning - build threads are so much fun.

Great idea on the cut-down sink to act as a tray for your skimmer. :thumbsup:

Those surge tanks look pretty good up there too. How do you like the flow entering the tank? If you want to see the flow, put some Purple Up in the surge tank right before it dumps. How does the air vent work? Does water pour out of the black tubing into your overflow once the surge is going?

The woodwork looks great, and I covet your neon clownfish.

Keep up the good work, and we'll watch your corals grow in.

Thanks Marc for the compliments!

I get some nice flow in the front of the tank from the surges, but it does not reach the back of the tank of course. I'm waiting on a Vortech MP40W to put on the right side of the tank and shoot down the back. A friend brought his over and we were amazed at the flow it provided and the detritus it kicked up. I have a closed loop return area on the left side, so there's not much build up down there.

The venting of the surge lines is working great. We also just tapped the lids of my external overflow boxes and added a John Guest fitting for the vented lines to drain into and yes it shoots water out when the surges fire.

That's a great use for Purple-Up ... too bad I've given all my bottles away to new reefers :idea: I'll have to see what I can do to get that caught on video some day.

Agreed, that neon clownfish sign rocks! :fish1:
Gary stopped by last night with his new Canon 7D and shot a great pic of one of my new anthias (Pseudanthias flavoguttatus):

Your build is awesome! I am starting a 265 in-wall. I noticed that you have a shallow sand bed, but in an earlier thread you had thought about a DSB. Why did you change your mind? Any regrets? Or, are you running a remote deep sand bed?

Three from the SaraB collection. These are essentially full-frame images.

Genicanthus bellus

Cirrhilabrus pylei

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis
Your build is awesome! I am starting a 265 in-wall. I noticed that you have a shallow sand bed, but in an earlier thread you had thought about a DSB. Why did you change your mind? Any regrets? Or, are you running a remote deep sand bed?


Thank you!

I actually put the DSB in my fuge where I can remove it and replace it when it stops doing its job. My fuge is a 75 Gallon tank with about 12" deep sand bed.
Thanks Marc for the compliments!

I get some nice flow in the front of the tank from the surges, but it does not reach the back of the tank of course. I'm waiting on a Vortech MP40W to put on the right side of the tank and shoot down the back. A friend brought his over and we were amazed at the flow it provided and the detritus it kicked up.

i love my mp40w so much i got a mp10 for my frag tank! granted they are not aimable but the flow is so wide you really cant aim it and dont need to...the lps love the slight wave i have in my duncans realy love it and they extend so much....hech one person thought they where an elegance...see...
