Serpentman's 300g upgrade

My short experience in the hobby has tought me to think of the worst senerio multiply by 2 and plan for Of course I am always going 110MPH and screwing things up...
Good suggestions guys. I did buy greenboard for the interior of the room. May need a little more for the ceiling. I know what you mean about precautions. Humidity is my largest concern so I will be investing heavily in adequate ventilation.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14773694#post14773694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
Yeah, it was a PITA and took me pretty much all day. I think it came out pretty good though. I only had 2 cursing fits!

only 2?

wow mottafinga!!!

Setup progress is looking great. I'll have to come by and see it soon.
Its coming along, you'll have to come by and check out the progress. Just about finished up on the electrical. I greatly underestimated how long it would take. Originally, the electrical was 2 circuits running on a common neutral which made GFIs a challenge. I ended up running two new dedicated 20A circuits. Now I have a mixture of GFIs on non-essential outlets and a few that bypass such as my return pump and my ballasts.

I also ran ethernet for my controller. Tomorrow, I will finish up rigging the room light and insulate along the outer wall and I should finally be ready for drywall.
Here are some updated pics of the work in progress. Electrical and drywall Day#1.


Sean (Discoreefrover) came over tonight and knocked out the outside wall. Things are definitely taking shape!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14821952#post14821952 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by speeddemonlsr
Did you ever get your extender cup for your skimmer?

Yeah, I got the upgraded cup and the new NW. Its night and day as far as performance.
Yeah, in hind sight I should have gone with the 250 way back when. However, since I have my first born child invested in this one, I will stick it out. If it doesn't keep up, I may add a second skimmer.
I just received the rest of the ventiliatoion system:

I will be running a Fantech PB190 (190CFM) inline fan with a CAP Air-1 humidity/temp controller:


The controller will kick on the fan when the humidity and/or temp rises above desired levels. I tapped into the cold air return on the furnace so the room doesn't build negative pressure.
Some loose ends have been tied up. Now its ready for mud:




Picked up this small tank. Always wanted to mantis shrimp so this will get plumbed in line to give it its own dedicated tank:


Quick question, will the ducts rust for you to have the need to cover it up? I am planning on doing the same type of setup to my basement, and was curious if I needed to cover the duct like that. I have a vent hole in the same area that I plan on setting the tank. So would like to leave at least that spot open to blow heat in the room if it gets too cold in the winter. So kind of curious if that vent pipe will rust with saltwater.
Awesome job on the build serpentman. Things are looking great. I didn't see the dimensions of the tank anywhere, but it looks like a nice deep tank.