Serpentman's 300g upgrade

Thanks everyone! On another note, I got the doors on the stand, water is mixed for my newest project. Just waiting for things to clear up. Now comes the fun part...

Played around with aquascaping on the new FOWLR. A bit uninspired so I'll probably play around with it. LMK what you think.

Stand turned out very well. I like the left side and the middle for me the right side needs some work,after all in a FOWLER you will see the rock scape all the time no corals to cover up rock. May be make the right side taller and move it forward more open. Enjoy your thread thanks.
Serpentman remember with some Fowlr Fish you need Swiming rook the more the better. That looks real good to me. With more room they are happier you need to remember this an Emperor Angel gets to between 12-14 Inches in an SWF tank. Certaiin tang we keep in Fowlr setups are over a foot long also so the more room they have to swim the better.
Serpentman remember with some Fowlr Fish you need Swiming rook the more the better. That looks real good to me. With more room they are happier you need to remember this an Emperor Angel gets to between 12-14 Inches in an SWF tank. Certaiin tang we keep in Fowlr setups are over a foot long also so the more room they have to swim the better.

Good point. Actually spent some time looking at it and am pretty happy. Its hard to show in pics but there are several caves on the right side.
Made a little impulse purchase yesterday. I've always wanted one of these guys and since I had an empty 55g laying around, he's a pretty happy camper...



A little quick before and after on the FOWLR




Love the videos and pics.
Tanks seems continues to look better and better, I guess as in all honesty I just can't keep my eyes away of that efflo each time I look at your tank, Simply breathtaking.
Thanks guys. That soli is definitely the focal point of the tank. In person, it definitely has more pop as well. Its almost reached the center island so I'm going to have to make some hard decisions (cut it back or let it go crazy) before it overpowers everything.
I think you did a great job restoring that 300 into a FOWLR. Great idea with the mantis, as well. Do you know what kind it is?

After 2 weeks of patience, I finally caught the Vlamingi. I've been feeding nori in a 3-sided box made from egg crate. This morning when he went in, I slapped a net over the open end and whamo, got 'em. I've been wanting to reduce my bioload and given his overall mass, it was a great place to start. Plus now there will be enough food for the rest of my tangs, lol. He's been moved over to the FOWLR.

I'm amazed. He's already eating after being in the tank for 2 hours. On another note, that tank is starting to shrink with all the big fish. I'll post a pic later once the lights kick on.