Show me your true blue and white only sps.


Active member
I know ice fire echinata is high on this list but there a few other sps that can develop only blue and white coloration..
I wanna see'em!
There's something about that color combo which is special.. To me..
I remember there being a tenuis called 'German blue tenuis' I think that was blue and white..
Here's my little nub of ice fire.. The only blue and white coral I have..

Let's see whatchya got! :)
Echinata for me too. DFS Real Deal Echinata still hasn't gone back to bright white since my nutrient spike:

I have some purple with white polyps, but no blue and white. I found a beautiful colony of pearlberry, but it got sold before I could get it. I love that combo too!

i guess this qualifies... ? :D
don´t ask me what acro this is... just got it from a friend and it developed nicely!!

I have a nice one you will like reefmutt. It's still a frag and similar to a tenuis as of now but round coralites. Solid sky blue body and white polyps. Definatly different than the colors on the ice fires because it never shows green. I will get a picture today to break up the echinata posts :)
I would like to see more blue and white acros as well, the ones with no green are beautiful and ime hard to come by.
That's ice cool Matt, what is the green SPS under the echi called ?
Sorry Nils, not sure the name. I'll take some more shots of it. I've never really photographed it because it's green but it's got a very interesting growth pattern.

Echinata for me too. DFS Real Deal Echinata still hasn't gone back to bright white since my nutrient spike:

Still nice, Ted!
Does this qualify my friend?


I think it does, Perry! Crazy piece.
We may need a before and after shot of that baby..
I have a nice one you will like reefmutt. It's still a frag and similar to a tenuis as of now but round coralites. Solid sky blue body and white polyps. Definatly different than the colors on the ice fires because it never shows green. I will get a picture today to break up the echinata posts :)
I would like to see more blue and white acros as well, the ones with no green are beautiful and ime hard to come by.

Ready when you are, piper!
Well I asked my wife what color she thought it is and she said it's not really blue... sorry I am half colorblind. Makes reefing a little difficult sometimes. I think the blue LEDs are bringing out a pinkish hue to it. Under straight halides it looks more blue. What color does it look like to you?


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Well I asked my wife what color she thought it is and she said it's not really blue... sorry I am half colorblind. Makes reefing a little difficult sometimes. I think the blue LEDs are bringing out a pinkish hue to it. Under straight halides it looks more blue. What color does it look like to you?


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well.... I'm never comfortable telling a guy his wife is right but...... :)

Before AF:


After AF:


Perry, this is just shockingly crazy cool!!!!!!
What a transformation!
This is a stunning piece. Has it grown for you?

Hey mate, which one are you reffering to haha?
They have both grown however are not very fast growers at all. Both have had about four frags taken from then then they just grown back to the same size and the braches elongate further. I do love my echis, im yet to find some crazy hawkins over here