Premium Member
It really matters little in this application 
Just remember to use a high grade silicone sealant, not the stuff from lowes.

Just remember to use a high grade silicone sealant, not the stuff from lowes.
i tried searching for better photos or posts and it looks like the bottom piece of glass should not have any glass on it. the sides and front should be attached to the sides of the bottom piece. will anyone confirm this??? thanks
It really matters little in this application
Just remember to use a high grade silicone sealant, not the stuff from lowes.
Startup is not working for me for some reason. Basically what is happening is when the display fills up the emergency pipe begins to siphon 1st then the airline pipe. At that point the over flow gets enough flow for the tank to get stuck into a continuous air sucking extravaganza. Any thoughts? The adjustable pipe never siphons, unless i pull the air line out. Then super sweet and quite...I followed the directions exactly.
A straight tee will be fine. Worst case, cant it slightly from vertical to ensure that the water does not fall straight down the center and splash at the bottom.
Startup is not working for me for some reason. Basically what is happening is when the display fills up the emergency pipe begins to siphon 1st then the airline pipe. At that point the over flow gets enough flow for the tank to get stuck into a continuous air sucking extravaganza. Any thoughts? The adjustable pipe never siphons, unless i pull the air line out. Then super sweet and quite...I followed the directions exactly.
Looking for some advice. Just starting to build my first reef setup from a used 125g glass tank, 48x24x24. I've been pouring over threads for the last few months and have determined the BA overflow system to be the best choice. What I'd like to do is an acrylic internal overflow in black, approximately 36"x3.5"x6" or so, haven't finalized measurements. I'm thinking I'll have a local acrylic builder build me this box with an open top as well as the 3 holes for plumbing aligned with the holes that will be in the back of the glass tank. My concern is the sealing of this setup, as glass and acrylic don't adhere well with many products. One thought is to just use plenty of silicone on the back sandwiched between the glass tank and the acrylic overflow box. Another thought would be to not worry about silicone, and to use a bulkhead gasket on the inside AND the outside of the tank. Any thoughts?
It's about an inch and a half under the water line. When I get home today I'm going to finish glueing the last bottom portion below the PVC elbow in case there is air leaking in from there. I'll add the tube to the John guest as well and see if that works.
Hi folks,
Sorry if my question is covered before.
I'm planning my 250g reef nowadays with BA method. I'll use IKS Aquastar aquarium computer in this setup which has some nice features like sending SMS to aquarist in case of an alarm situation. This alarms are sent when the connected modules like pH, Redox etc. reached the preset alarm values. There is also 4 digital inputs to connect other sensors etc.
As I understand the system, main flow is go through siphon line and if it blocked for some reason Durso and Emergency lines kicks in. The system is so silent that, assuming it's well designed in terms of pipe diameters and return pump, aquarist will never now which line is operational at the moment. So I want to use some sort of control sensors in Siphon and Emergency line to notice that some lines are blocked. Yes, I'll use water sensors around the aquarium to receive an alarm in case of flood, but since I have the opportunity I want to use sensors for the lines.
Emergency line seems the easy one. There are several water sensors to use in kitchens against flood. When they sense water send a signal to alarm system. So I'm considering to put a "wet sensor" to the output of the emergency line. If I can find a small one, I can even put it inside the line.
For the Siphon line I thought some sort of flow meter. It should send a signal either when the flow stops or if it's a high-tech one, when the flow reduced a preset value. The problem is I couldn't find any sensors for this application.
Any suggestions for my plans?