Newb here, Forgive me for being confused but Im planning on running this set up on my 180g tank with a 40g sump. I plan to run it with an internal (shortened version) coast to coast with room for returns on the sides as a reefer did here >
I have several questions i hope i can get answered before i do any drilling.
I know on beans website he stated -I worked with the 1" bulkheads that I had, but larger bulkheads are perfectly suitable. He also stated-The rounded backs of the elbows and the large surface area of the intakes help prevent the vortex from forming.
1a.Would It benefit or hurt me if i used 1.5inch bulkheads or would i have to use 1 inch bulkheads as in the original diagram.
If its beneficial to go with 1.5 inch bulkheads,
1b.Would using full curved 90 degree elbows on the intakes as opposed to regular 90 degree elbows be of any benefit. Im assuming if i stayed with 1inch bulkhead design the street elbows flow better/have the larger surface area intake than regular 90 elbows
I have seen several posts about having the main siphon bulkhead drilled lower than the open channel standpipe.
2.Is it necessary or do i drill all 3 bulkheads at the same height?
I read a thread about someone accidentally drilling their tank overflow too high and then having no other option but to buy a new tank. I know each distance from the center of the circle being drilled will vary with the size of the circle being drilled. Keeping in mind im either going to drill 1 or 1.5 inch bulkheads
3.What is a safe distance to drill from:
The top edge of the glass to the top edge of the circle
The edge of a circle to the edge of the circle adjacent to it
My plan was to use a 1200gph pump i have on hand for my returns. This was with regards to my math of running around 900-1000gph with headloss and a 1.5 inch bulkhead draining around 850 gph.
4.Would this pump work with my setup?according to me it will but im a noob. I was thinking the main siphon would flow up to 800gph and i could adjust the open channel to handle the rest?
Valid questions, but they've all been asked and explained in detail dozens of times.. Gotta read the entire thread. An added benefit is you'll learn some things you weren't aware you were supposed to be aware of.