Does anyone know if there are any adverse effects if I used spaflex instead of regular pvc for all three drains?
Bean if i go with a 6 foot internial weir how far off the back galss should it be? i was thinking about a 2 1/2" by 3" high weir as i am trying to get the weir as narrow as i can. then i plan on creating a 6x6x36 externail over flow in the back.
How deep into the sump, is the outlet for the full siphon standpipe? More than an inch will give the siphon problems with starting.
I am using an Eshopps HOB overflow box on a 125 g tank (tank glass is all tempered so I'm stuck using the box). The Eshopps has the two standard 1" drains in the bottom of the overflow. I'd like to modify it to a beananimal full siphon overflow. What do people think about drilling a hole for a 3rd bulkhead 2/3 of the way up the side of the overflow to serve as the all important emergency drain? Seems like this should work in theory but has anyone tried it?
The siphon stand pipe extends about 6 to 8 inch below the surface of the sump. So i'm guessing I need to trim the stand pipe then.
I wouldn't think that this would add much of benifit to you seeing as how the HOB method is already flawed by having to use the U-Tube to start the siphon... at least that is what I think.
Why not just drill your tank?
Thanks for your opinion Scott, but the tank will explode if drilled because its tempered. Does anyone else have insight about adding the 3rd bulkhead to an overflow box? My main goal here is to reduce noise because I'll already have more than enough flow for my tank. My second goal is simply to practice the setup for a future, larger tank, setup.
I am using an Eshopps HOB overflow box on a 125 g tank (tank glass is all tempered so I'm stuck using the box). The Eshopps has the two standard 1" drains in the bottom of the overflow. I'd like to modify it to a beananimal full siphon overflow. What do people think about drilling a hole for a 3rd bulkhead 2/3 of the way up the side of the overflow to serve as the all important emergency drain? Seems like this should work in theory but has anyone tried it?