Looks nice! What kind of salt are you using? Also, what are your NO3 levels?
Oh yeah. Looking really good.
So, what are your target nutrient levels?
That Oregon Tort is amazing! They had a drag the size of yours at ASD that was 120 bucks...yikes! That's a pricey coral and rare for sure.
That Oregon Tort is amazing! They had a drag the size of yours at ASD that was 120 bucks...yikes! That's a pricey coral and rare for sure.
For $120 id overnight u a one, thats a bery high price for ca. I listed a 2" multibranch frag for 60 and couldnt sell it fown here. Could have brought you one when i came up to sd a few weeks ago. Next time.
Its looking good in there mate. Keep up the good work.
Looking grouse Mickey Mouse:lolspin:
Thanks guys! Actually changed the left side aquascape a bit today to make room for more frags!
Bring on the fragtasticness!!!
Wow, love this 40B Skull, great job with the lights.
This is the best 40G build I've seen. Love it man.
I'm starting a 66G SCA tank and thinking about running bio-pellets for the first time on a SPS only tank. Would you reccomend using the same reactor and same pellets as you did when you started?
Is this definitely ORA Pearlberry???
I ask because I have this colony and it looks suspiciously close to your coral.
Here is mine:
Mine has a lot more green these days, but many months ago it looked exactly like your coral.
Anyway, you've got some cool stuff and I cant wait to see the tank all matured. :thumbsup: