Tell me your favorite old classic sps

Hey, if you are looking for a Purple Monster, keep and eye on Diver's Den. Many of these classics can be found around online, but like you, I had a hard time finding a Purple Monster. Last night I purchased what was called "DFS Original True Purple Monster Acropora Coral" through Divers Den.

Wow !! I never checked DD for PM . Was it from the maricultured or aquacultured section ?

Wow !! I never checked DD for PM . Was it from the maricultured or aquacultured section ?


It's aquacultured. Liveaquaria puts up their limited edition corals such as the PM periodically under their divers den section. Yeah, I guess we can never really be certain if what we are getting is actually (fram a lineage standpoint) what they say. From reading around here on RC, it would seem that Liveaquaria secured some corals (Such as the PM and Oregon Tort) that are the real deal and have been growing them out and fragging these and selling them for years. But who knows... It would be nearly impossible to ever really know regardless of where we buy from. In my opinion, Liveaquaria is one of the most reputable upstanding businesses to buy livestock from, so I personally would trust it is what they say. I've attached a photo of the PM frag they're sending me later this week... It'll be interesting to see what this looks like after it grows out for a while.

Anyway, back to the thread topic.... I think my favorite old school coral is the Oregon Tort. I love the solid blue color.


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Hehe, I see a lot of corals listed that are quite young in the hobby!

My fav classic would be Purple Monster simply because I can't find it. :lol:
Mantis Purple Polyp Aculeus and Westside Tort are two older acros that are under valued. Both great pieces.
My old school list I have for every sps tank:
Ora Chips - Check
Green Slimmer - Check
Red Planet - Check
Pink Lemonade - Check
Ora Pearlberry - Check
Palmers Blue Milli - Looking for it

The hardest thing for me is finding an actual palmers blue milli and even the pearlberry has gotten loaded with fakes.
Who here besides me has the ORA German Blue polyp acro? Not the monti.

I have had two separate colonies of the ORA German Blue acro over the years. Unfortunately, I lost both in separate incidents. If you know of anyone selling frags of it, let me know. Battle corals had a small colony a couple of years back but l don't think he's selling any frags. Definitely one of my favorite old school acros.
Keep the list coming guys !!!
Does anybody have a pink panther here ? Surprising no one has listed them as favorite!!

I've got a little Pink Panther. Barely grows in fits and spurts, and no offense but there are better corals out there IMO that grow faster and give me greater enjoyment :)

I second the Icefire, though it isn't THAT old.

Old Tyree green aequituberculata is an old classic with crazy bright green that is close to green slimer.

The Orenji Montipora is unparalleled for color in my opinion. It's another one that takes serious patience, but is worth the wait.
I have 64 different frags and all are known as acros. Don't have any idea on names. Seeing pictures with names here is amazing. About time to give them some identity...
I have 64 different frags and all are known as acros. Don't have any idea on names. Seeing pictures with names here is amazing. About time to give them some identity...

When naming corals, first come up with some fancy sounding person's name. German or Asian names see to do the best. Always be sure to put the L.E. abbreviation after the name. Always follow that with an extreme color description followed by words that make no sense when put together but are part of the English language. Perhaps Kurosawa Schnitzel's LE Neon Clink Dropsy.

In the description, you should be sure to indicate that the coral was initially imported from some strange place in the Indo-Pacific but make sure that it's only located on maps created in the late 16th century and it's somewhere off the edge of the earth.

Finally, and this is critically important, be sure to price the smallest possible frags at not less than $250 per 1/2 inch (in the case of polyps, if you can price is by half a a polyp, you're in the right range).
When naming corals, first come up with some fancy sounding person's name. German or Asian names see to do the best. Always be sure to put the L.E. abbreviation after the name. Always follow that with an extreme color description followed by words that make no sense when put together but are part of the English language. Perhaps Kurosawa Schnitzel's LE Neon Clink Dropsy.

In the description, you should be sure to indicate that the coral was initially imported from some strange place in the Indo-Pacific but make sure that it's only located on maps created in the late 16th century and it's somewhere off the edge of the earth.

Finally, and this is critically important, be sure to price the smallest possible frags at not less than $250 per 1/2 inch (in the case of polyps, if you can price is by half a a polyp, you're in the right range).

Hahahahahahaha hahahaa! Oh man...made me choke on my pizza from laughing so hard.