the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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You cut living creatures in half with frag saws, scissors, and fragging supplies, glue them to rocks, and put fish in a glass box for your on enjoyment and hope they don't die...but you cry and complain that the guys from ATM didn't show you how to test for Nitrates? Sounds like you need a new hobby. I bet you don't care about the millions of pounds of fish that are slaughtered everyday either. But your mad Brett didn't say on t.v. that you shouldn't put a Vlamingi Tang in a 55gallon tank. Your not making the hobby better, your hurting it. I guess the sayin still applies Haters gonna Hate. They'll continue to make millions of dollars and be an extremely successful company that was built from the ground up and you can go back to boycotting because Wade didn't tell you on TV what size return pump to use on a 500gallon tank....Good luck. I'll would rather take the latter of the two.

I started reading this thread, and boy you hit the nail on the head with this one. I was hoping someone would write a response otherwise I was going to. I love self righteous dreamers who think they're making such a big difference without really knowing what they are doing.

I once knew someone who was so big into "green" stuff and went so far as to replace every single thing in the home with green friendly products.. floors, appliances all went to the dump.... but, not to fear, the new stuff is all eco-friendly!

Kudos on the response my friend, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Wow, flame war... Not sure if I should comment and add to this mess or get a fire extinguisher...

oh looks like I commented....
So I watched the first three episodes on netflix... just to see what everyone is talking about... Yeah, they handle the fish too much, they sound like idiots, but it looks like since they are using artificial reefs for the fish, they must have filtration systems in place... Depending on the medium... would it really need to cycle? could the medium be "pre-cycled" at the warehouse and then put in place for instant setup? Several times they talked to their customers about QT and Acclimation... so, aside from how much they handle the fish and the concerns over water quality... whats the big deal? Those tanks were awesome.
I'll be honest, I've watched the show, was pretty appalled by the editing, but overall I wouldn't say they're boycott worthy. I used some ATM colony when I got my last tank up and running and it worked like a charm. The show is made to be a stupid reality show to make animal planet some money, I try not to let that skew my opinions of them by too much.

As for Petco, I've had better luck with my local Petco than my local LFS. It kinda makes me cringe, because it's the right opposite of what I would expect.
not necessary a big fan of the show but hey it was photo opp.. lol

I started reading this thread, and boy you hit the nail on the head with this one. I was hoping someone would write a response otherwise I was going to. I love self righteous dreamers who think they're making such a big difference without really knowing what they are doing.

I once knew someone who was so big into "green" stuff and went so far as to replace every single thing in the home with green friendly products.. floors, appliances all went to the dump.... but, not to fear, the new stuff is all eco-friendly!

Kudos on the response my friend, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

Lol, thanks. I quit reading this thread once the guy compared grass to animals (corals) I then realized that it wasn't actually worth my time or effort to argue with someone who didn't actually have any idea of what he was talking about. I'd probably get just as much of an intelligent conversation from an elephant.
Even though they may not be doing things the right way, they are creating awareness for the hobby which is good for all of us.
So I just finished watching all of season 1 on Netflix, and though the show is hilarious, these guys are setting up unrealistic expectations for people new to the hobby. I have only jumped around this thread a bit, but I'm sure it has been said, the fish choices are often horrible . . . Then I have to listen to my wife say, "They probably have abusiness to maintain the tanks." Yeah, sure, but who is feeding the 5 copper bannded butterfly fish they just put into the same tank tank together . . . MULTIPLE Achilles Tangs? Talk about being setup for failure, I don't care what kind of "Life support system" they have hidden in the tank.

Ok. My rant is done.
I watched an episode this weekend. The bank vault tank and the koi pond in New Jersey. A cylinder tank with two sharks and a bunch of schooling fish. I wonder how long that lasted.
Yea the show is very edited and "kinda" full of drama but at least it gets people into the hobby or aware that we junkies are doing this. Yes they don't do reef tanks and I'm glad because if you could handle a reef you would build it your self. They are like jeeps, built not bought. But you have to understand this is very good for us reefers and fish lovers because it attracts more people to the hobby. Just like finding nemo! I know a bunch of people who started a tank just because of one movie! Yes yes I know your going to bring up It might bring the wrong crowd , but hey we were ALL the wrong crowd until we learned, studied, failed and keep going even if we got hair Algae or had a fish die. Just be open to the fact that people are now thinking its amazing to have a tank and now not being asked all the time how's your goldfish doing...... Because for the last time jackwrasse it's a yellow angel fish!
Yea the show is very edited and "kinda" full of drama but at least it gets people into the hobby or aware that we junkies are doing this. Yes they don't do reef tanks and I'm glad because if you could handle a reef you would build it your self. They are like jeeps, built not bought. But you have to understand this is very good for us reefers and fish lovers because it attracts more people to the hobby. Just like finding nemo! I know a bunch of people who started a tank just because of one movie! Yes yes I know your going to bring up It might bring the wrong crowd , but hey we were ALL the wrong crowd until we learned, studied, failed and keep going even if we got hair Algae or had a fish die. Just be open to the fact that people are now thinking its amazing to have a tank and now not being asked all the time how's your goldfish doing...... Because for the last time jackwrasse it's a yellow angel fish!

Ive watched Tanked from the beginning and Ive saw them do 2 reef tanks.

The first was done for an Asian family who wanted a feng shui tank in their house.

The other was a guy who already had a small reef tank,small being I think his tank was 150 and he was having them build him a much larger tank in a new house.
As an enthusiast I'm like *** are they doing. As someone who works in television, I couldn't shoot the guys testing water and waiting, who would ever watch! It's TV, the network wants to bring some knowledge to the general public not "pros". Do u think all those shows about cars don't have car enthusiast complaining the cars weren't prepped correctly, of course. I know I have a strong automotive back ground but I'm also smart enough to realize this is for entertainment purpose only. There is a reason why they say television is bad for ya, cause its full of nonsense. I wonder what a real cop thinks about all the cop shows, the list goes on and on. Just enjoy the entertainment and don't take it like a college course.
Yea the show is very edited and "kinda" full of drama but at least it gets people into the hobby or aware that we junkies are doing this. Yes they don't do reef tanks and I'm glad because if you could handle a reef you would build it your self. They are like jeeps, built not bought. But you have to understand this is very good for us reefers and fish lovers because it attracts more people to the hobby. Just like finding nemo! I know a bunch of people who started a tank just because of one movie! Yes yes I know your going to bring up It might bring the wrong crowd , but hey we were ALL the wrong crowd until we learned, studied, failed and keep going even if we got hair Algae or had a fish die. Just be open to the fact that people are now thinking its amazing to have a tank and now not being asked all the time how's your goldfish doing...... Because for the last time jackwrasse it's a yellow angel fish!

I agree. I had a freshwater tank years ago and have long since wanted a saltwater tank for the past 20 yrs since moving to FL. After getting hooked on the show I dove in and had a big tank built into my wall for 2-sided viewing. I even contacted the guys at tanked to get a quote and they spent a long time talking with me, explaining the drama effect of the show. I ultimately went with a local company for any later issues that may develop (I have had a few) and did not want acrylic.

The emphasis and important part is to do your research, but as did nemo, Tanked has spiked an interest in the hobby. For those of us who have done their research, have learned by reading and personal experiences along the way, it is very rewarding - my kids love it too making this hobby even more rewarding. What is great as well is having a forum such as this to get input from others. Thanks to those who have this wealth of knowledge but take the time to answer questions and give advice to others such as myself. As for the show... I will continue to watch with my kids for the entertainment it provides.
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Ive watched Tanked from the beginning and Ive saw them do 2 reef tanks.

The first was done for an Asian family who wanted a feng shui tank in their house.

The other was a guy who already had a small reef tank,small being I think his tank was 150 and he was having them build him a much larger tank in a new house.

There was another that I remember. The guy who runs the tatoo parlor gets a reef tank, hanging on the wall. I don't think it's even over 60 gallons (which, btw, there are mandarin dragonets in there).

I am absolutely amazed at how they stock these things. They are so incredibly overstocked. It makes me wonder what their filtration is, but they never seem to get into that aspect.
I don't see how putting pet I employees through classes and educating them on proper fish and coral care is a bad thing.
I can't stand the way it is right now, but a little training is really exactly want they need.
I contend that those tanks are staged for show purposes and don't exist that way long-term. They would quickly learn about fish and coral care after enough failures. The hard way.
Some of the tanks might be set up just for the show..but others, such as the ones for the you folks really think the casinos are going to spend that much money on the tank, the install, the setup, the live stock and the upkeep if they had the rep that all the fish were going to die? Don't forget, these guys have been doing this for long before the show was created. Yeah, show is gimmicky and edits out a lot of educational parts, but they do mention that it's a reality based tv show like Animal cops and such, NOT an educational one.
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