Worm's S. Gig


Not afriad to admit wrong
Team RC
OK Yeah I got it.

I am uploading pictures right now.

I did put it right into a QT and I will be doing Cipro here in a few minutes.

I have to keep my spirits down, so here is my one outburst...

It looks cool as a sunset on the beach after an enjoyful day.

OK... so I hope it does good. The mouth was good when I picked it up, straight after being unboxed from it's flight from LA. It was very hard to see through the plastic bag. The bottom/foot looked black.

Once I got it home and the QT/HT setup, and put it in, the mouth was a little loose. There was a bit of junk in the bag but no black poop.

After 10 minutes in the tank the mouth closed and you could see two teeth.

The camera will be able to see it, but it is at a strange angle, until I can find a better place or another camera to use.
Sorry, looking at the photos this anemone appears to be a haddoni.

Just kidding. I know you're excited for a gig, I just had to give you a nudge in the gut.

Congrats -- very happy for you! Now finish uploading your photos!
OK A few pictures:

This is what was sent to me prior to being shipped:

This is the first family snapshot:

First pic of a facedown splat:


After a few minutes and attached to it's cup-o-coffee before flow started:

During some flow:

Video 1:
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/zaHkIPblG84" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Video 2:
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6UZuZ-KwlZQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I know Orion wants to see that it is a Haddoni, so let me appease him and D-Nak

OK so the mouth got a lot better after the flow stated. It looked really happy.

If you promise no to tell anyone, I set up a web cam just for it.


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Ohhh CIPRO in at 2300.
For all those of you that sent kind words.. THANKS!!

For the rest of you, it is ok to sit back and watch. LOL

OK back to the gig.

I got up a few times last night and looked at it on the camera, the IR really helps!! I actually noticed it getting bigger, or should I say relaxing. I would say that the movement and darkness would scare me too.

Hope to have a few more pics up later today as things progress.
good luck w/him! has a lot of potential with color, I think. I hope he makes it ...will be following closely for the next few days, so pls update w/pics! :p haha
So the lights have come up and I put my time lapse camera on it to record a time lapse for today.

The live webcam and the tank cam can both see the new gig.