How is the tank doing buddy?
Hi my dear friend,please forgive me for my late reply:-(
Work,summer and the fact i lost big balls kept me in the backround.
Really appreciate your interest:beer:
Like i said BB died.For the last 3-4 months he developed a small bump in his right side.
As days went by,that bump started looking like a pimple.
Then it bursted and having some concerns regarding possible infection,i quarantined him.
I used furan 2 and things went amazingly!
The wound started healing and day by day got smaller and smaller.
He behaved really good during treatment.He was even more calm than he was in the MT.
For the last 4-5 months he was always nervous,always swimming round and round the tank,even during the night etc.
So after the 10th day i made two big mistakes:-(
I made almost 80-90% WC in QT and i immediately used copper because i was qoing to buy a MI and wanted to be prepared for ick,just in case.
I did that in the morning and when i got back in the house in the evening
he was swimming really weird,with swim bladder symptoms.
I immediately put him in the MT but he continued behaving like that and after 2 days died:-(
Sad day.Had him for over 18 months.
A few pics while in QT
Here it started popping out
and here with huge improvement
Unfortunately i didn't think that a big WC would affect him so much or the immediate use of copper would have such a bad impact to his health
I think that if i was home i'd see his first reactions and place him in the MT asap but i wasn't.
Now i have a MI which eats like a pig,a leucosternon,quasimodo and a chtenochaetus.
Tried to pair the MI but he was soooooooo aggressive towards the new MI that i pulled him out of the tank with my hand.
I've never seen a fish so angry,not even tangs.
He was clearly trying to kill him.Bitting him constantly or hitting him with his "nose".
Removed them both,three times(one went to the sump and the other to QT) but when they came back the fight was even meaner.So i kept the old and gave away the new.
Too bad because he was eating like a pig too,after a lot of efforts.
I wanted to buy another achilles but i decided that it's better to do that in my new tank.
No point in moving him twice.
I've had this tank for 6 years and i want to try something new
Atm i'm trying to decide what the dimensions will be.I've two different thoughts....ah,we'll see:beer:
Sorry for the long post but that's what happens when you don't update your tank regularly