Wow, great video!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Send your friend to record my tank as well. :artist:
Corals look very nice. I saw the new growth on that SSC colony is very coloured up. And that pink hysterix is crazy pink! All very good signs! :beer:
Brilliant video. Corals look great and shows all the behind the scenes life support we run. I loved it. Great job by your friend.
And the academy award for best reef tank short goes to....
Outstanding! I'm not sure which part of this system impressed me more, the coral inhabitants or the life support, in any case one fine looking package :dance:
Great video, that sump area is so clean and organized.
I replaced the screen a few times on my GHL and eventually the current one went bad as well! :angryfire: This is the reason I went with a PacificSun Kore5th Doser.
Haha, look forward to the pro photographs.
Wow, shih! The tank is looking soooo good!!
Very nice!
Amazing stuff! Everything is looking really good. I thoroughly enjoyed that video.
The video and those latest pictures are beautiful my friend, the display looks amazing :thumbsup:
Perfect setup.
The tank is looking so nice! That video was really really great!
Great video!
Any ideas if the Dr will be releasing his Alk monitor to the public?
I see the MindStream monitor didn't make it Kickstart and so probably will be delayed getting to market if at all!
My kind of tank, for sure!!!!!
Love the dimensions, the scape, the inhabitants.....
Friend who own a studio made this tape for me. Ya!~
He is not a reef hobbyist to know where to capture the coral details, but obvious a much better than my previous work. Sincerely appreciate his talents and efforts put on my tank.
To avoid room and white color furniture become weird color, ATI T5 changed to while tubes for this video shooting.