ASM Skimmer Club!

I have a asm mini that sitting in the shed, I don't know what pump that it has on it but it uses a needle wheel, can that be meshed?
Im looking at getting a new skimmer. I have a 120 + 20gal softy dominated system. I was thinking about getting a G3, but it seems everybody is modding these skimmers out.Can these skimmers handle a medium to heavilly stocked system without all the mods, or should I just spend the money on a different skimmer?

I sold my G3 3 years ago and have since played with many different skimmers. For a tank your size, a MSX200 would be a great skimmer. The new OCTO cone is getting great reviews and some of the Vertex skimmers are not bad either. If you want to spend a little more an ATB 840 1.5 is a beautiful skimmer. I think you will be happier with these than a G3.
I've had my G2 for around 4 years, still doing the job! I never even had a collection cup, I bought it used with a broken collection cup. I modded the bottom of the broken cup ring, siliconed it to a plastic jar, drilled holes in the lid and 'voila...still working fine. I clean the pump whenever I think it needs it. Lots of calicum buildup in the airline grey plastic piece that mounts to the pump: I use a finishing brad/nail to ream out the buildup and its as good as new.
Wish I could find a used collection cup though:>)
I just modded my G1 with mesh mod. Its throwing in lot of bubbles. It used to skim a lot (a week ago), now it skims scarcely. The foam comes all the way to the top and some get thrown into the skim cup and then the bubbles recede to the next of the skimmer and stay there.
Before this upgrade I used to get lot of surface oil and now I dont. the water also looks cleaner but am worried if there is something else wrong with the skimmer. Can anyways please advice?
Just installed my gate valve on my G3, used a 1" gate (reduced the 1 1/4") cost a total of 17$ for everything from ace hardware. Well worth it because I used to have the sleeved tube up and if I bumped it once in a while it would spill alot of water out of my sump plus get my hand soaking wet. Took about 5 minutes to build and another 5 to install it. If anyone wants to see pics or ACE hardware part #'s let me know.
Does anybody have any experience with the Mini-G?

Installed my mini-g on my 75gal (100gal total volume) about 4 months ago, i was worried that it was undersized but it is skimming like a champ, i think it is the best fit I could have gotten. I am skimming wet and dumping a full collection cup 2-3 times a week depending on feeding. I am getting rather dark tea skim. My sps growth has increased a ton. I was worried about it at first but am very pleased now, time will tell. my bioload includes 6 fish. break in was a full 2 weeks even with a vinegar run for 24 hrs before i put it in.
pics.... pics.... pics....:bounce1:


i bought my ASM G-2 used with my 125 for 125$ fits nicely in the 65 gal sump and it works excellent no mods until i get done reading this thread
Here's my G3 just installed with the gate valve and recirc mods that I did myself.

What's the mod called when you directly connect your standpipe to the body of the skimmer via a spiral drain hose?

I have a g2 and did a few mods and want to see what everyone thinks. On the inside of the skimmer the inlet from the pump is in the middle of the simmer body, so I put an coupler, small piece of pipe and an elbow to direct the water to the middle of the skimmer and downward to take advantage of the water in the lower half of the skimmer. It seems to reduce turbulence in the skimmer and drastically increase the the amount of bubbles in the skimmer. It seems like more skimmate is produced as well, but im not sure. I also drilled 2 small holes in the lid, as I noticed there wasnt any breather holes in it. I read somewhere on this site, that without somehow to release the pressure in the collection cup, pressure can build up and force the skimmate down, making it harder to get up and over the cup. These mods seem to really increase the efficiency of the skimmer, but I could be imagining things. I skimmed through this thread and did not see these mods mentioned, but I wasnt looking too hard. Let me know what you think. Mesh mod soon to come.
I am a new owner of a used G4+ with the 9000 pump.

This is on my 125g sps tank. Im not to impressed with it right now and am wanting to start modding it for better performance

Can someone post a link to step by step instructions for the recirc mod
No link, really easy though. Pull out the impeller and cut off all but 4 needles with a razor blade. Put Enkmat or Guttergaurd and Zip Tie it in the holes. Make sure the center is cut out evenly and trim the sides.

Im going to do the Recirc mod shortly, does anyone know what size Uni-Seal is needed?
How can I rig a drain from my skimmer cup to a bucket or bottle of some sort so that if the cup fills up while on vacation, the skimmate has somewhere else to go besides overflowing back into the sump.

Oh, by the way, I hate my G3 despite the enkemat mod and wouldn't recommend it.
If your skimmer cup doesn't already have a drain valve, install one. Leave the valve open while your on vacation and pipe it to a 1 gallon jug or 5 gallon bucket.