ASM Skimmer Club!

Looking over the specs for the sedra 5000

IMO - Most efficient pump that would match the specs (500gph) would be Bubble Blaster 2000 (30w)

The Tunze 9420 is 15w, though I have no experience with these I'm sure it is suitable for your g3
Could some one places link me to the latest, best mods for the G4x? Huge thread to look through. Also my Sedra 9000 died and I see people are recommending other pumps, which would be the best?
I have the g4xx, very sim to yours. I think I did every mod there is on it. The most recommended is the gate valve mod IMO. Gate valve is prob easiest, just be sure to use a gate valve, not just a ball valve.

As far as replacement pump for Sedna 9000, I would recommend bubble blaster 3000.
amazon has them, sch 40 is fine just make sure you get the right size
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joined the ASM Club

joined the ASM Club

Hey folks,
I just opened the box to my new to me ASM G4.

I purchased it with the knowledge that there are some mods that may be a pre-requisite. Overall, good skimmer for my pricing.

I did do some research, as I have read various parts of the many entities this thread has taken, as well as reviews on other sites.

However, I am not able to find all answers:

What is air intake for ASM G4 with stock sedra 5000
Keeping the stock pump, is the best mod to increase air intake, the mesh mod?

I only want to set this up once...not fiddle with the mods back and forth. I only really get to mess with the tanks on it would take forever to tinker around without a plan.

I can go to home depot sat or sun

Mesh Mod will decrease bubble size, not increase air intake. Easy to do but you need a small amount of enkamat and some small zip ties. You should be able to find how to do it in a google video search "skimmer mesh mod". You can by the enkamat on ebay pretty cheap.

Gate valve mod is probably the best mod, gives you more control over the skimmer. Might be able to find a gate valve at Ace, doubt you will find one at Home Depot.

Also, you might want to build a muffler for the air intake to keep the noise down. Made mine out of a prescription bottle.
Here's the concept

I hope this helps.
oh, cool. Thanks for the info Dave.
i can definitely build a DIY muffler. I should have some extra pill bottles around somewhere. Thank you for the visual.

And you are right. I was not able to find the gate valve at home depot. Well, they had the metal version, but not pvc. I'll have to find out where ACE is in NYC area. Prob queens..

Let me also get clarification about the air intake part:
I read closer to the beginnings of this thread that the impeller mesh mod would work to get the skimmers an increase in air intake lph.

They also discussed finer bubbles to increase surface area/contact and lead to higher effectiveness.
Does anyone have a Sedra 9000 or 1500 impeller they could remove and take some dimensions of the pinwheel and magnet shaft where the pinwheel attaches to the magnet.

Thank you!!
Does anyone know where to get ASM skimmer bodies without any pump? I already have my own pump and getting a skimmer with a pump wouldn't do me any good and just cost me a bunch more.
I did the recirculating mod on my old G3 and it worked fine - not sure the thing skimmed better necessarily, but there were less bubbles in the sump :) Recently attempted the same on my G4+ skimmer and have had major problems. Basically, the pump stops pulling air in thru the venturi when the water level in the skimmer gets more than 12 inches above the water level in the sump. Reconnecting the pump to suck water out of the sump restores the venturi performance. I don't really want to raise the water level in the sump, but that appears the only way I can get good performance out of the G4 in recirculation mode.

Has anyone had this problem? How did you solve it short of just going back to the original non-recirculating dessign?