Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

While I am on the subject of bandits...I thought I would go back in time to look at the one that started it off over 2 years ago in Oahu.

Here is a picture of the fish that we caught at 192ft off Keana Point in Oahu. It was just over 3"


This is me holding a .75" was unreal how small this was

Here is my boy RL just before the dive

A view from where we were diving

DSC_0236.jpg are some picture of the rearranged rockwork...let me know if you like this better than the first.




Dude, I dig it! It's gonna look sick with your little army of fish swimming around in there :D

Update pics of the Blueline for Mark...cant wait for Saturday brother...

When I first put him in QT...notice the black on the top and bottom...I love Japanese bluelines

Dood, now Im eager to find me a couple of those bad boys ;)
Update pics of the Blueline for Mark...cant wait for Saturday brother...

When I first put him in QT...notice the black on the top and bottom...I love Japanese bluelines




Thanks Chris. I'm definitely looking forward to Sat to get mine :thumbsup:
Tell me about it...just give me more room for my true personifer...


Sorry to hear about the bandit Chris :sad1:

I really like the rock work. Have you talked about lighting the tank; what are you going to use for lighting?

Sorry to hear about the bandit Chris :sad1:

I really like the rock work. Have you talked about lighting the tank; what are you going to use for lighting?

Thanks Mark! I am torn on the rocks...but am sure I will change them one way or another soon :)

As for lights here is what I have:
Main Lights
(2) 48" 8x54w Tek T5 units

(4) 48" 110w VHO Super Actinics
(2) 48" Reefbrite LED blue and red - still debating on this one...but will more than likely get it.

Also, I will be adding an MRC FMC 627 media chamber that I will fill with carbon and some other media.
Chris, just throwing it out there as an idea but you could have some custom magnetic shelves made to fill in some of the blue void in between the pillars. Im not sure I'd do it, just an idea.

Example, obviously you'd get them w/o the frag plug holes...



You can get them made/shaped to your specification...
With out a doubt I would go with the sea floor reef grade.

I would also keep it to 3 pillars instead of four. The extra hiding place I thik is good for fish but if your gonna stock it up with corals sooner than later I would go with 3 pillars IMO. I like the open look but it is what you like that counts either way it is going to be a sweet tank.

Now that your tank is still empty you might want to drill a few small holes for frag plugs.

Look forward to seeing your tank up and going..

Just like eric said I would go for the special grade reef sand from Caribsea. It's very attracitive and the grain size is not to small that it would blow around and collect detritus. With the special grade it's easier to vacuum up and keep clean.

Finally got skimmer #1 running...AquaC EvC2000 with a mag36 feeding it. The bubbles this thing produces is insane...this is within 2 minutes of it being turned on. The MRC MR6R will be going up shortly.

Finally got skimmer #1 running...AquaC EvC2000 with a mag36 feeding it. The bubbles this thing produces is insane...this is within 2 minutes of it being turned on. The MRC MR6R will be going up shortly.


Nice. I run the exact same setup, skimmer and pump.
Damn dude, so sorry to hear about the bandit :( Make way for the giant Aussie!

That lil BL is purrrdy :D

Don't waste your mulah on the "live sand", dry sand still has beneficial bacteria on it ;) Waste your money on expensive fish :smokin: Also, check out Tropic Eden sand. You can get it from P.A. It's ten times cleaner that Carib Sea and I prefer the grain size choices over Carib, but out of your links "Special Grade" would be my choice as well.
I got some Tropic Marin sand. So far I've been a fan. I bought the reef flakes (I think, whichever is the largest grain size). I really like the color and the grain size is good for any tank with a lot of flow.