Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Thanks Ryan!

The SPS may be a choice...I may try some once the big tank is settled...

I will be doing the same thing to my 180 and it will be a 100% I will be hitting you up for some frags :)
More sculpting today...almost done




How sick would these be if I could put some Stags and some monticaps on these Mark?

When I get sick of the angels, I will make this a reef :)
Update 4/12/10

Not that much happened with the tank this weekend with the Masters going on...pretty much glued to the TV watching Phil win it all...I did however complete about 50% of the rock work and put together some pretty cool rock structures and placed them in the tank. I will post pictures of them when I get off work.

I have another 200 pound of live rock that I want to build structures out of but dont want the rock to die prior to the water being added this week. Because of that I will hold off from the final aquascape for a little bit.

Water will be going in this week. I have 1000g worth of salt ready to mix. I have 3 RO/DI units that will start pumping water in either today or tomorrow.

Wish me luck!!

Chris, any updated shots of the BL?

None right now, but I will get you a bunch tonight when I am back home. He is getting fat! BTW...there are a bunch of small BL coming from a supplier in Taiwan right now...let me know if you need one or a couple :)
Update 4/12/10

Not that much happened with the tank this weekend with the Masters going on...pretty much glued to the TV watching Phil win it all...I did however complete about 50% of the rock work and put together some pretty cool rock structures and placed them in the tank. I will post pictures of them when I get off work.

I have another 200 pound of live rock that I want to build structures out of but dont want the rock to die prior to the water being added this week. Because of that I will hold off from the final aquascape for a little bit.

Water will be going in this week. I have 1000g worth of salt ready to mix. I have 3 RO/DI units that will start pumping water in either today or tomorrow.

Wish me luck!!

None right now, but I will get you a bunch tonight when I am back home. He is getting fat! BTW...there are a bunch of small BL coming from a supplier in Taiwan right now...let me know if you need one or a couple :)

Whaaat? :D You know what size I am looking for ;)