Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

5/3/10 - New additions

These guys are straight from Taiwan. I have 3 new bluelines that I will attempt to create a "crew" with my japanese blueline.

Here is a picture of the 2 that paired up, but I need to QT separately...the 3rd is a little terror right now.


Here are all three in a 10g when they came in







Wow Chris, nice BL's. Hopefully they will group up with little problems.
5/3/10 - New additions

These guys are straight from Taiwan. I have 3 new bluelines that I will attempt to create a "crew" with my japanese blueline.

Here is a picture of the 2 that paired up, but I need to QT separately...the 3rd is a little terror right now.


Here are all three in a 10g when they came in







Wow Chris, nice BL's. Hopefully they will group up with little problems.
Wow...when did you learn how to spell? Your mom told me that they had to pull you out of class because you kept eating all the glue and eating all the crayons.

When you learn how to walk on two legs instead of four you can come over and I'll teach you some of my cheerleader moves

We all know I wont be evolving that fast. Knucklewalking is a way of life for me.

So, any more false, empty promises of pictures coming up that you'd like to make?:spin2:
We all know I wont be evolving that fast. Knucklewalking is a way of life for me.

So, any more false, empty promises of pictures coming up that you'd like to make?:spin2:

Knucklewalking...classic Panda...classic. Milk came out my nose.

I will take some more pictures of the fish as the tank is cycling...we are almost there buddy!
what's next Chris? Respendent maybe?
I love the look of the Resplendent, but due to the fact that it is on the red list, I dont think I will ever have one...maybe some flamebacks in the future...

Very nice Chris!

How many bandits do you plan on keeping?

BTW- I LOVE the Conspic!

I cant wait to see this tank full!


Hey Michael - I was planning on pairing the two 2" I had, but with the one going because of my stupidity I may just keep the little one that I have had for a 5 months now.

The conspic will get a mate within the next 4-5 months...stay tuned!