Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Sorry to hear about your loss Chris.

I have a 2" and 2.5" right now and I love seeing them together :)

You should get another to pair yours up with, as you know they look great in pairs.

Dont forget equipment pics in your pictures that you will promise and deliver well past promised deadline.

Uh oh....Time is running out...

Wow, I go visit Mickey Mouse for a week, and come back to some quality progress. Great job on the rock....I like!
awesome fish Chris... I was just considering odering a Blueline from a guy in NY. are they hardier from any specific area? I'm not sure where this person gets them from. btw awesome work on the aquascaping. cant wait to see the fish in there. good luck with everything.

awesome fish Chris... I was just considering odering a Blueline from a guy in NY. are they hardier from any specific area? I'm not sure where this person gets them from. btw awesome work on the aquascaping. cant wait to see the fish in there. good luck with everything.


Hey Peter! Good to see you here!

There most definitely is a difference in quality where fish are caught. The ones at NYA are from Vietnam. A lot has to do with the skill of the collectors and methods in which they do it. Also quality of the fish and coloration is a big difference.
5/10/10 Update -

The tank is still cycling. All the parameters are doing great...but I want to make sure it is 100% prior to putting my stock in.

One snag so far is that one of my Tek fixtures decided to take a dump so I ordered another last week and it is still in transport...should be here this week.

I am putting the following light configuration on the 2 fixtures (I may put in some fiji purple and maybe 1 red light) thoughts?:
(1) Geissman Aqua Blue+
(1) Geissman Actinic Blue
(1) Geissman Aqua Blue+
(1) Geissman Actinic Blue
(1) Geissman Aqua Blue+
(1) Geissman Actinic Blue
(1) Geissman Aqua Blue+
(1) Geissman Actinic Blue

As for the are some long overdue pictures of the pumps and 2nd skimmer (still waiting to setup till the fish are in...)

MRC MR6R with a Mag 18 feed and the Barracuda is for recirculation

The Blackfin 6000 so far has been a BEAST (very quiet for a 6000ghp pump, although my entire second 125 had to be reworked because this thing takes a TON of water). The barracuda is small compared to the BF! In a year or 2 I may change to 2 Reeflo Dart Golds to support 2 returns each...

The 175g mixer is online and has a Blueline pump for mixing and like a charm
Now for the trio!

Here they are swimming and eating together...they sleep together and there is no fighting...they were separated for about 4 days till they started to eat and I dosed 50% copper. They have been together for about a week with no issues and the one that is the picture hog is the dominant male. They are all eating everything offered to them. They started to eat 1 day after being acclimated!





the one on the right is the male

3" female
First fish to go in will be the Conspic, bandit, and Venustus to clear out the QT for my true personifer :) in the next 2 weeks