Chris, the tank looks great! I feel like I need an upgrade now.
LOL! Upgrades are overrated...If I can get my 180 to look like your reef I would give up my big tank!
dude, that is soooo sick Chris!! So Sick! :eek1:
Thanks Ian! Now it is time for you and me to set up the reef!
Thanks for sharing Chris. Thank looks unbelivable!! Great Job and please keep posting videos and pictures.
Thanks Skip...more pictures and videos will be coming soon...
Wow that looks great! Were your large angels in the old tank prior to the move today?
Thanks JJK - yes all my large angels were together for quite some time in my 180. I have had my emperor since he was 2.5". My queen came in at just over 4", and my blueface was around 4-4.5".
wow...simply wow.....awesome..
btw,for how long that emperor and queen were cohabiting in your previous tank...?
Thanks AUEM - yes the queen and emperor were together in the 180 for around 3+ years.
TH-ANK-U :fun4:
I love your fish selection, any aggression from the angels toward the idol?
Thanks Tracey2 - there is quite a bit of aggression from the Emperor towards the Idol. He doesnt like him too much. Although, that was the 180 and now in the 600g they dont even look at each other.
Incredible man!
When are you gonna add the rest of the bluelines and wroughts???
Thans Ryan! The 3 new bluelines are doing good in QT, one has been getting his A$$ kicked, but I moved them to a 55g and they are doing better. They wont go in the big tank for at least 6-8 weeks.
The wrought irons are moving to Arizona. They did not get along. I am going to miss them, but they are going to a nice 400g tank. If I ever try to pair again, I will get a 2" a while down the road.
Chris, this is looking great! Love how fat the angels are looking!
As others have said, let's see some full-tank shots.
Best of luck and enjoy!
Thanks Skibum - they are fat! fatter than I ever expected them to be.
Full tank shots will be there later tonight...