Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR


Now that is baller! :eek1:
agreed. A fulcipinnis is a awesome fish!!! One of my dream fish. How big is he? Do you plan on keeping him in QT for a while to let him grow up? Are you concerned he may become "lost" in the display." I saw one of these in person and it falls into that category of pictures not doing it any justice. Did you get him through your "regular" source down in HI? Great stuff Chris!!!
Now that is baller! :eek1:
LOL! Your the one with a Gem :celeb1:

Christmas in June... gotta love it!
Thats why I love this hobby...we can have Christmas everyday!

Thats awesome Chris. Merry Christmas :D
Thanks Mark...Santa loves bank account doesnt :lmao:

Nice fish Chris. I have a Personfier that is coming out of QT this weekend. He's about 4.5-5' . what is the difference if any, between males and females at this size. The lfs said it was a male but Im not 100% convinced. Good luck ...
Thanks Peter. Remember this is a C. Personifer. Yours is a C. Meredithi. Similar fish, but very different in the same.

There is no difference between males and females at 4-5", except body shape and gill spine size. If you fish is streatched like a limo then it is a male. If it is more oval then it is a female. Once they are larger, both males and females get the purple and yellow mask, but the females have a much lighter face.

agreed. A fulcipinnis is a awesome fish!!! One of my dream fish. How big is he? Do you plan on keeping him in QT for a while to let him grow up? Are you concerned he may become "lost" in the display." I saw one of these in person and it falls into that category of pictures not doing it any justice. Did you get him through your "regular" source down in HI? Great stuff Chris!!!
Thanks Tim...yup its from my boy in HI. I am not really concerned as he will eventually get to 6+". He is currently 2.5" and is stunning. You are right in that pictures dont do the fish justice. All of the tips of the fish are bright pink and there are splatters of it throughout the body. His eyes are huge and makes it that much more unusual. Once it was in the tank, the male flame wrasse went by it and the supermale didnt even compare in coloration. My wife even loves the fuscipinnis...which says something.

i will not move him for a long time and havent decided if he will go in the reef or my FOWLR...

+1 :thumbsup:

Chris, Why have you decided to get rid of the bluelines???

What is the route you are going to take instead?

I love the harmony of the tank with my Japanese blueline (who is by far and away the most important blueline for my collection since I have pictures of him being collected in Ogaswara). It is hard for me to let them go, but I know they are going to good homes and they will be taken care of.

I am going to eventually pair up my conspic, pair up the fuscipinnis, and I am leaving room for a VERY VERY VERY special angel once a certian tanker is removed from a remote place :beer:
hMMM... But your tank is HUGE!!! Just kidding... Will you get both a male and female so you can see the differences in the two???

BTW, once you get them im gonna have to make a trip up to have a look in person!

Also, why no Interruptus?
From what I have been told and what i have read about these type of anthias, they can pair with 2 males, but have to be watched. I wont have the ability to really tell...I will just have to see. There is so little known about the fish in Hawaii that it is hard to do any research (which I love doing).

I love interruptus, but I have never really had the inclination to get one. I have had many many many opportunities to do so and they just didnt do it for me. When they are young they are spectacular, but when they are old they look like big dark blue and orange goldfish. You dont see the speckles of blue till you take a picture. Dont get me wrong they are sweet and anyone that has one will tell you they have a lot of personality, but take the attitude of a 3" centropyge and add 3-4 more inches of meaness and that is an interrupta :)

Ryan - if you are ever out this are welcome anytime bro...If I'm not home, ill leave the keys...just feed the fish ;)
Update on all the fish.

The fuscipinnis ate everything offered from mysis, clam, brine, and spirolina! The male and female flame followed suit and continue to gorge themselves.

At this rate there may be another fuscipinnis on it's way ;)
Hey Chris why not get another super deep water HI fish, Prognathodes basabei. There is a guy locally who jas one for sale. Has a few other gems you may be interested in. PM and Ill give you details if your interested. What else is on the wishlist? T
I love interruptus, but I have never really had the inclination to get one. I have had many many many opportunities to do so and they just didnt do it for me. When they are young they are spectacular, but when they are old they look like big dark blue and orange goldfish. You dont see the speckles of blue till you take a picture. Dont get me wrong they are sweet and anyone that has one will tell you they have a lot of personality, but take the attitude of a 3" centropyge and add 3-4 more inches of meaness and that is an interrupta :)

:thumbsup: People always look at me crazy when I try to explain to them that I'd rather enjoy them in other people's tanks, but I would never get one.
Now go and get a harem of long fins :)
That is on the schedule for the reef :celeb1::celeb1:

Hey Chris why not get another super deep water HI fish, Prognathodes basabei. There is a guy locally who jas one for sale. Has a few other gems you may be interested in. PM and Ill give you details if your interested. What else is on the wishlist? T
Thanks for the heads up Tim. I have had the ability to get the P. Basabei, but never been a huge fan of them. I have seen it in person at the Waikiki aquarium and thought it was personally drab. The price is super high due to the fact that they were collected at 350-400ft. IMHO, it is the fish that should remain in the ocean. For every 10 collected, maybe 1 is kept.

If it is Justin selling, I am familiar, but let me know what he has.

On the wish list, there is a couple that I will eventually add, but they will be in the reef as the stocking of the FOWLR is closed (I think) :celeb1:

:thumbsup: People always look at me crazy when I try to explain to them that I'd rather enjoy them in other people's tanks, but I would never get one.
I hear you on this brother...more than you know.
Update today - everyone is doing great. The little wrought iron has become a complete pig and eats till there is nothing left on the substrate...crazy.

The new additions are all together and loving their QT. They are all eating a mixture of clams, mysis, brine, krill, and pellets.

The personifer is a big pig and is very docile. He shacks up with the remaining blueline.

The fuscipinnis is eating anything and everything and can be found in the water column most of the is one of my favorite fish.

The flame wrasse are gorgeous! I want to get 5 more females now and add them to the group. I love the way they interact and swim...great eaters.

I will take a FTS tonight...