Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

You guys are funny!!! They spawn nightly and I know Ed would love to try to raise them....but getting the right food is the problem:(
You know, I could turn the other side of the garage into a fish breeding system. Hmmm.......Keep my marriage and kids..........or raise fish.........??? Trying really hard to picture my new avatar with an angel fry instead of my son :fun5:
You know, I could turn the other side of the garage into a fish breeding system. Hmmm.......Keep my marriage and kids..........or raise fish.........??? Trying really hard to picture my new avatar with an angel fry instead of my son :fun5:

That is the constant or or

Oh god I am getting a divorce :spin3::smokin::fish1:
Very nice Kenny. I'm definitely jealous that you got to see Chris's famous tank :thumbsup:
I look forward to seeing your additions :)
We have a new addition that just arrived...anyone for a guess?? There is a hint in the second picture


Must be the True Personifier he spoke of earlier. Has the right color band and tail.

Great group of fish. I have a tank the same size in the making now.
You are is a true personifer...came in this morning and looks AWESOME! I have been waiting for him for a looooooooooong time!


I have another treat coming tomorrow...stay tuned...
Christmas again!!!!!

It is Christmas for the second day in a row!!!!!


And another happy little couple...look at the female hiding with the male...
Nice fish Chris. I have a Personfier that is coming out of QT this weekend. He's about 4.5-5' . what is the difference if any, between males and females at this size. The lfs said it was a male but Im not 100% convinced. Good luck ...