Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

Hi chris..had a great time looking at your tank and ty for having us.The new fish look like they are fitting in nicely.Hope the frags are doing ok-Kieth
Hi chris..had a great time looking at your tank and ty for having us.The new fish look like they are fitting in nicely.Hope the frags are doing ok-Kieth

I too had a great time having you at the house Kieth! I am glad that you got to see the fish...and take a look at my pathetic excuse for a reef. Your frags are doing excellent so far! I cant wait to see what they look like once I put on some LED's!
Impressive as usual , you inspired me into getting back into the hobby , now if you would just send me your clarion you would make my dreams come true jk.:D
Impressive as usual , you inspired me into getting back into the hobby , now if you would just send me your clarion you would make my dreams come true jk.:D

Thanks LHM Nole - I am glad that I could help you back into the addiction...the clarion is on the way...ill look for the paypal :)

Stunning, healthy looking fish! Thanks for all the great photos you uploaded to this thread. :)

Thanks Topbloke - I will continue to put more in the thread to feed everyones hunger for fish pictures...
wow Chris !!!! awesome as always...I'm back in the spending mood again!!!! lol.. btw I currently have three angels(emperor,blueface & Meredithi(false personifer) in my 220. would love to add a blue line and a scribbled or queen but not sure if Im maxed out already. what do you think?

Newest crew to the at first site :)

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