Campbell's 120x36x30 In-Wall FOWLR

I definitely will get some updates. I am in Chicago for work this week so it will have to wait...

good news is that the true personifer, fuscipinnis, and flame wrasse pair are doing excellent. They will be going in the display very soon...
Updated crappy video from my iPhone...the new fish have gone in...can you find them?

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Kenny - you are right. The personifier is a pig. It is always looking for something to eat.

Tim - it depends on the hierarchy you are talking about. Overall, definitely the emperor rules the roost, but lately the wrought iron has been a little a$$ and is relentless on one of the declivis (that's why he is hiding in the last couple seconds of the clip)

Looking great! Glad to see all the fish are doing well. The video as absolutely unbelievable, not a "common" fish in sight.

Seems like you may have an empty (personal) QT. So, any hints as to what you're thinking about?

Very nice Chris....Guess its safe to assume you are not married with children...LOL

My wife would KILL me......

Looking great! Glad to see all the fish are doing well. The video as absolutely unbelievable, not a "common" fish in sight.

Seems like you may have an empty (personal) QT. So, any hints as to what you're thinking about?

Hey David - I have a pair of Joculators that may or may not go in there. I also have my eyes on a nice group of 5 more female flame wrasse. There may be 1 or 2 additional fish, but that tank may be fully loaded after that.

What a great video Chris, but your tank is missing something...... Corals :p
Thanks Mark! I may start to throw some SPS in there soon...I just need to get my reef up and running first.
good looking groups of fish. They all appear healthy and happy in there.
Thanks Melanotaenia...they are very happy so far...keep your fingers crossed
Very nice Chris....Guess its safe to assume you are not married with children...LOL

My wife would KILL me......

LOL RBU1 - I am married with a 6 and 4yr old. My wife thinks the fish cost the same as yellow tangs :)
Hey Chris. I was looking at on of the popular reef blogs RB and they had a story about Pseudanthias leucozonus being available at Greenwich. They are a stocky 5" and are absolutely stunning. It's one of those fish you see in a book and never think you will see them available. How crazy would it be to have one of these in your display along side your fulcipinnis and other lookers. T

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