I think you are right dude!I might need some new fish to re-spark my interest :lol2:
Thanks Brian! The small one is 2" and the large one is 3.25".Nice Jocs Chris! What are their sizes?
Hi Chris
Will you be adding any triggers in the near future? if so, which ?
Thanks Ihm nole - I change the water in the tank every month about 100-150 gallons. I keep a very close eye anthem and ensure that they are fed a wide variety of food everyday.Hey Chris what do you feed your large angels to keep them in such pristine condition very rare to see angels that size with no hlle.
What is your water change schedule? New additions look sweet .
Hey Peter - I have toyed with adding a goldenback in the tank, but have not thought about any other triggers as my angels are worth way too much for that added warfare.Hi Chris
Will you be adding any triggers in the near future? if so, which ? tank looking great as always...btw i've got a blue ring in QT. will try to put up a video soon.
Thanks RPjaws. I love all these fish and can never get enough of them. As for the price of the clarion...accordingto my wife if only cost $500stunning fish to say the least, by the way how much did the clarion run you? if I may ask. I know its very,very,very expensive but just curious
Thanks Beex! Intoo love angels and there are some more that I am planning to add in the future.great looking angel community. love the emperor
Hey jjk - I may add 1 achillies hybrid and maybe another special tang (maybe a Gem) but that is down the road. I have 2 beautiful tanga in my 180 that were not selected to go to the big tank just because. I love tangs but they can be pains.I was wondering the same thing only about tangs, so any plans on adding any?
BTW, tank looks great!
Thanks Sugar Magnolia! Glad you like themYou have an amazing collection of fish Chris! So beautiful!!
WOW! ive never liked FOWLR tanks until i saw yours! very nice! how much money have you got tied up in fish??? inquiring minds want to know! (if you dont mind) lol
I would go acrylic personally ccampbell57 . I have worked with alot of big tanks (my own and my customers) and acrylic is the way to go. If your careful and dont get rocks in your algae pad or scrapper you wont scratch your acrylic. Also acrylic can always be buffed out with water in the tank and not harming anything. If the glass gets scratched, then your stuck with it and I have seen some very beat up glass tanks...
Also if glass tanks get torqued certain ways the silicon seam can pop and on a 600 gallon tank I wouldn't risk that happening...
All my big tanks are acrylic. A 75 gallon, 150 gallon, 180 gallon, and a 300 gallon. The only glass tanks are the little 24 aquapod and a 30 gallon QT tank.
Thanks Erik