Anybody used this template for a 10' tank? Getting ready to order my tank and I want to build my own stand (prices for a stand are crazy)
Tank will be 120" x 30" x 24". Trim on tank is 3/8" thick. Will need to make width and length 3/4" more for stand. Tank will be glass, but will not have trim underneath glass. Will support underneath glass with sheet of 3/4" plywood and styrofoam pad. Still have not decided on stand height.
Looking at supports in front approximately 30" in on each side and then open the rest of the way approximately 60". Planning on a 2" x 8" header in front, back and sides.
Any thoughts?
Not sure why many insist on using 2x6 or 2x8's, it's not needed. Instead double up on 2x4's. Easier to work with and is actually structurally more sound. I think many overthink this.
Just my .02
Good luck with tank, sounds like a nice size.