DSPS tank from Thailand (1000 gallon+)

This is an amazing build! I have never seen anyone go to so much trouble with the rockwork, its going to be worth it 10 fold! Nice to see the Penfolds in there too!

Will there be any backing added to the tank to disguise the powereads? Nice touch with the vinyl pipe labels. :thumbsup:
Ching, you put your attention and perfection at all the level, look at the sump, it's really fabulous.

one question, what is the final use of the refugium, do you will put algae on it to extract some nuissance?
I saw on the picture that the "refugium out" go to the sump where is also located the "Skimmer in", like this you should lost a lot of the micro faune produced by the refugium, which normaly should be benefit to the tank. Maybe I'm wrong about it, but it may be more profitable to have the "refugium out" directly to the tank without going in part trought the skimmer. what do you think about it?
Well, it only took me about a month to get through your incredible build thread...truly amazing and inspiring. You are a visionary with seemingly limitless patience and foresight. I feel priveleged to be along for the ride.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15718864#post15718864 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flying_dutchman
I see you still have the cords attached to the rock, are you going to remove it? Or are you just waiting for the epoxy to dry? Can't wait to see some fish in there! What are you current parameters?

I will change 100% water this weekend and then will cut out all the cords.
I haven't test water parameter yet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15719009#post15719009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sjp770
This is an amazing build! I have never seen anyone go to so much trouble with the rockwork, its going to be worth it 10 fold! Nice to see the Penfolds in there too!

Will there be any backing added to the tank to disguise the powereads? Nice touch with the vinyl pipe labels. :thumbsup:

sjp770. Thanks.
Penfolds Bin 8 is my favourite.:)

There is nothing to disguise the powerheads. Just let SPS grow up and you won't notice any of them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15719030#post15719030 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blue corner
Ching, you put your attention and perfection at all the level, look at the sump, it's really fabulous.

one question, what is the final use of the refugium, do you will put algae on it to extract some nuissance?
I saw on the picture that the "refugium out" go to the sump where is also located the "Skimmer in", like this you should lost a lot of the micro faune produced by the refugium, which normaly should be benefit to the tank. Maybe I'm wrong about it, but it may be more profitable to have the "refugium out" directly to the tank without going in part trought the skimmer. what do you think about it?

It is different pipeline.
Water from the sump will be pulled up to the refugium and straight down back. It won't go through skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15719036#post15719036 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman034
Well, it only took me about a month to get through your incredible build thread...truly amazing and inspiring. You are a visionary with seemingly limitless patience and foresight. I feel priveleged to be along for the ride.

I feel privileged as well to having you guys with me. Thank you.
Every time I look at the rock work now I see three humanoid figures. The one on the right looks to be holding a fish up in the air away from the center figure. You could say that your rock work was done that way to tell a story, kind-of like hieroglyphs.
Wow, awesome mixing tank!!! That's bigger than my display! I lke your lettering as well - very professional.

I agree with Blue Corner about the benefits of sending the refugium out to the display tank, but this is not always practical. I designed my system this way, but I had to put the refugium very close to the ceiling in order to have the overflow gravity feed to the display tank. Many of the pods will still survive the trip to the display via the return pump so I wouldn't worry about it.

Plant0s - I highly recommend Fogo de Chao when you visit Sao Paulo. I ate at one of the locations in Sao Paulo and it was terrific. Go for the Picanha, have a few Caipirinha's and finish with a Papaya Cream... can't go wrong, yum! I don't know if Marcelo's place is competition, but I think he would agree that this is a nice place.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15719111#post15719111 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chingchai
It is different pipeline.
Water from the sump will be pulled up to the refugium and straight down back. It won't go through skimmer.

Yes, I saw that the refugium come back to the sump, but on the same part of the sump you have your "Skimmer in", which mean that part of this benefical micro fauna will be take out by the skimmer.

My preference should have a divided sump from where the "refugium out" will be on the "tank in" sump part and separated from the "Skimmer in" located on the "tank out" sump part. Like this the refugium water will go to the tank without lossing part of the micro fauna.

I think "Oldtimer" understand my meaning.
i just don't want to come back and search what kind of tunze powerhead are you using? is 6205 or 6305?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15719788#post15719788 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bullitr
i just don't want to come back and search what kind of tunze powerhead are you using? is 6205 or 6305?

Are you painting the back or using a backdrop to hide the cords from the powerheads?

As far as the skimmer/fuge debate, I guess the issue is really in a tank system this big, what will the difference be? Its not as though water goes into the skimmer dirty, and leaves completely devoid of nutrients on the first pass like water entering and leaving a water treatment plant (although I'm sure nutrients enter and also exit those also, so maybe it is like a treatment plant after all.) The point is that skimmers work in multiple, multiple passes, so the refugium will still get the nutrients it needs to survive and thrive, the pods will take up residence all over a system this size (probably the sump, fuge, frag tanks, display, etc) so I think people worrying about where their skimmer is in relation to the refugium is often an overstated problem with very inconsequential results.
WOW! This is sooo cool ching! I didn't check this thread for two days and I come back to find 3 new pages! I absolutely love your rockwork. It is making me rethink mine and maybe using that bonding stuff you used. What kind did your friends use to attach the rocks together like that?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15720324#post15720324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by meredith1985
WOW! This is sooo cool ching! I didn't check this thread for two days and I come back to find 3 new pages! I absolutely love your rockwork. It is making me rethink mine and maybe using that bonding stuff you used. What kind did your friends use to attach the rocks together like that?
i am now thinking of rearranging my live rock in tank because of his rock work. I have way,way too many LR after seeing this! that restrict the water flow and have to use too much powerhead.
Amazing setup! Would really like to visit you next time I go to Bangkok :)
How do you like your tunze streams? Do you think they are noisy?

Fogo de chao is a must, it´s the Brazilian way to serve barbecue, steaks, when you can eat as much as you able before explode yourself ......the place i work at is an American Style casual dining, Steak House, more close to international brands like TGI Fridays, Applebees or Outback...

Chingchai, i would at least make a test without those two wave boxes at the center....i think that the other two, working away from each other, will produce a more natural wave flow through the tank, whith more pleasur to the eye...with all four at same time, will probably make too much mess at the surface, with a unatural effect...and plus the fact that two in the center are a distracting point of view, stealing attention from the animals and reef composition...
Just my humble opinion... ;)