GHL Doser 2 Owners Club

With the level sensor input on the device is it just for the doser?

Or does it work as additional level sensors?
I can see it uses two sensors level 1/2 that wasn't the question

What I wanted to know are these just for doser only eg: ATO ?

Or can these be used to switch sockets off.
I guess it's just for ATO through the doser but was hoping someone could clarify
Things are still in development in this regard. I am not sure yet of GHL eventual expansion, but I am going to confidently assume that a switchable power bar for the doser is high on the cards.
How loud are the stepper motors? Does it do AWC/ATO like the P3N? Would be nice, like a mini controller for tanks that don't need that much expandability.
Near silent this was one of the biggest draws at Macna, people were sticking their ears to them.

AWC/ATO - yes it will
Just got a GHL 2 and I had a question. I was able to install the GHL Control Center on my PC, and I was able to upgrade the doser software (eventually). Now I have it connected as per section 2.2.2 of instruction manual, Integrate over WLAN in your own Network. I was also able to finally get the Android app working on my phone and tablet, but that app needs a lot of work and seems very unstable (crashes a lot), so on to my question. I now have the doser installed at the aquarium, but I notice that I cannot get my PC to connect to it ( I assumed there would be some kind of wifi connection). Can I only connect the doser to my PC by physically removing the doser from the aquarium, and plugging it into the PC with the USB? Does the GHL Control Center not see the doser on the wifi network and allow a connection that way? If I chose to use connection 2.2.3 Integrate over LAN, will I lose the ability to connect via the Android app since I am no longer using a wifi connection? Thanks for the help

we have had no reports of yet about instability with the android I am not sure why this would be with your phone sorry.

As I said by PM, yes the doser 2 can be connected by wifi to your pc and in the manual links I sent it also shows how to set it up.

Hope thats helps ;) If not let us know where we are missing. thanks
Could you clarify how to connect to PC by WiFi, because the only option that I see is by USB. I have been reading these manuals for 2 days, and I have successfully updated the firmware, and connected the doser to both my phone and tablet, by WiFi. What I don't see is how to connect to the PC unless you use USB
Under the "initial set up" you connect to USB to load the settings as outlined in the manual, then once you have set up the wifi connection in the software then you can access the unit via wifi and not through USB

Here is the section in the manual I sent to you
2.2 W-LAN / LAN Connection
All settings for W-LAN or LAN connections can be made with the help of the GHL Control Center.
To do this connect via USB to the GHL Doser 2 and open the menu item System. This opens a dialog which allows you to change the settings.
Correct, I did all of that but after this was done I installed the doser under my aquarium. Now I am at my PC trying to connect to the doser, I open the software and the connect tab is showing a little USB plug, when I click connect it says could not connect, again this is only the PC, I can connect from my phone no problem
as per the pm go to device manager and make sure the USB driver is installed.

if not please follow the instructions I gave in the pm in regards to manually installing it, this is also noted in the troubleshoot section of the manual.
Add me to the club! My GHL 2 just arrived yesterday. For future reference, when the time comes, where does one get replacement peri tubing?
The USB driver is installed, if it wasnt how else could I have accomplished things like updating the software, and changing settings to allow me to make a connection via wifi to my phone. I dont think you understand my problem, I emailed the tech support line yesterday, but have not received a response as yet, does it normally take this long
The USB driver is installed, if it wasnt how else could I have accomplished things like updating the software, and changing settings to allow me to make a connection via wifi to my phone. I dont think you understand my problem, I emailed the tech support line yesterday, but have not received a response as yet, does it normally take this long

I fully understand your problem dont worry.

If you NOW can not connect to the USB, but you once did then it could be when you did the update and reloaded the software the driver did not reload, please post here a screen shot of the device manager showing the USB driver, then from there we can add more support. Without seeing that screen shot its impossible to advice.

GHL are in Germany it can take 48 "business hours" that means not weekends. Thats where we come in.
This is a copy of the device manager screen you will see this one shows the driver not installed, you can see the alarm sign over the virtual com port. If this is the case then revert back to my instructions on manually loading the USB driver "again"

if no alarm sign then make sure the com port matches the device manager in the set up connection in the software.

This is what mine looks like

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Devicemanager_zps0de11d46.jpg"/></a>
Ok so the driver is installed it seems although does not say GHL you should be connected now go to the connection tab in the software and make sure the USB com port matches COM 1

IF NOT then please email and I will take it from there.
As its not saying GHL this could be the issue also. I still would uninstall that driver by clicking on the driver and clicking uninstall and restart your PC and then reconnect, go back to device manager and see if it now says GHL virtual port.

if not then manually install

I am offline here now so further support at ONLY