I have a "gravity fed ATO" (13 gallon garbage can with nylon tube feeding a float, placed above the water level to avoid fouling the valve, in my fuge; sounds a lot cooler if I call it a gravity fed ATO instead of "garbage can and toilet valve"). Anyhow if that's automation then I am guilty. I like knowing that the salinity stays constant (maybe resulting in better coral growth???). Gosh though, on a system your size I wonder if the salinity would even change with one days evaporation?
By the way, I think at this point you have the credibility and backing to change your tag line, "I really wish I had something witty to say". Maybe something like ," last month I built and cycled a 750+ gallon reef system and had open heart surgery........ twice. What did you do"??
Fellow reefers what are some suggested new tag lines for Khaos?
Anyhow, keep on going Khaos! I have some frags that are just about ready to send you.
P.S. Hi to Tink,