eventually the stand will be skinned. For the most part I intend to use it for some more organized storage of all the misc. parts I have floating around from lots of years in this hobby and the inability to resist a good deal.
Cutting a hole in the floor would involve a jackhammer and moving the tank... neither sounds like alot of fun.
While I was hoping to plumb a tank in to the main system, I think I have resigned myself to putting a large tank in the laundry room, and mixing water there. The only option to make things work at that point would be 2 pumps and float shut offs, and at some point that just sounds like a flood waiting to happen. I think my 'attached' water change tank will have to wait untill I do the addition to attach my shop to the house which will be at least next year unless I win the lotto. (granted that would involve actually playing, which I dont)
of course if that happens, I'm moving, and the 750 might be the sump.... I saw this place that makes 30' x 5' x5' tanks....