How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

Nice additions!

I vaguely recall you have some peppermint shrimp in your tank. I noticed mine acquired a taste for my zoas once the aiptasia population began to dwindle and have yet to be able to keep them in the same tank (but they both do well separately, go figure). Interested to see how the palys do for you. I might give them a try.

Love the work on the hood! Keep the pictures coming!


I figure I have a couple different palys that no one touches so maybe it will work. No idea who takes out all the Zoas. Could be a shrimp.

Great additions. A small suggestion, if I had tank that huge I would add fish that require very large tanks. Not saying what you added now is bad (wish I could keep a hippo tang) but I would look into adding the more difficult fish that require large tanks like Sohals, Clowns, Unicorns, Achilles, oh and Nasos!

I think this will make your tank a hell of an aquarium. I think It would be a shame to have 750 gallons filled with fish you can keep in a 75 like mine lol But it's you're tank, good job either way man!
i absolutely love this thread and this tank. i wish i had room/resources for such a large tank. but im curious to what is making your water look green? on all your pics the water looks kinda murky or like theres a green film on the glass, is that just my computer, or maybe the camera? or is it because the wate is so deep it starts to just naturally lose visibility?
when one looks down the tank through all 10' of it, there is a greenish tint. I just chalked it up to plankton or somthing and haven't worried about it.
i absolutely love this thread and this tank. i wish i had room/resources for such a large tank. but im curious to what is making your water look green? on all your pics the water looks kinda murky or like theres a green film on the glass, is that just my computer, or maybe the camera? or is it because the wate is so deep it starts to just naturally lose visibility?

are you using any activated carbon.
You my friend are CRAZY, and I'm loving this thread! AWESOME! Can't wait until it ages a bit and start blooming up with even more crazy marine life! PROPS!
wow dude.. just found the thread glad you made it trough all the headachs with the medical stuff. I went in for open heart surgery 10 years ago and ended up in the ICU for a month due to a blood infection I got while at the hospital.

It is no fun at all.
well the powder brown didn't make it. looked great this morning, by this afternoon covered in spots... and dead this evening.

I just finished reading through this thread. It really was like reading a novel. I am glad that you are doing well.

Please keep posting.

when one looks down the tank through all 10' of it, there is a greenish tint. I just chalked it up to plankton or somthing and haven't worried about it.

I'd suggest running a little carbon 24/7 as that has always worked for me, but then again in your small ocean I guess you can't run "a little" of anything.
Khaos when you figure out the Devils Hand let us know, we have 1 for the life of us just can not get to grow even though we can keep rare softies just fine and they thrive
Khaos when you figure out the Devils Hand let us know, we have 1 for the life of us just can not get to grow even though we can keep rare softies just fine and they thrive

Whats weird is that in my last tank it did great. Same salt, same lights and same hap hazard tank maintainence schedule. I've tried various areas of flow and light over the last 6 months... just kinda sits there and looks uphappy. I've decieded I'm just not going to worry about it anymore and that has often worked for me in the past with things.

How is the scopas? Still eating well I hope.

had spots for a little bit, but they faded. Eating well. most likley start hypo tommorow now that he's calmed down.
are you worried about exposing tank to ick . it would kinda suck to add all the fish you are going to add and have them all exposed.