How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

I don't know how much of an inspiration I can be for much longer. Nothing worse than the docs telling you theres nothing wrong with you, when you can barely stand up 1/2 the time and it hurts like the dickens when you do. Not to mention I haven't really held solid food down in about a week and a half. I can't even clean the veiwing area of the tank at this point, let alone afford the rest of the maintence. I'm dang close to giving up and shutting it down.
What do you eat? do you drink a lot of soda? My friend's uncle had some crazy health problems and then his legs turned purple and had some sores on it. he started to eat super healthy and take all kinds of suppliments, he cut soda and beer out of his diet... which I'm sure consisted of at least 2000 calories a day of each. Anyway, he used to eat at fastfood places all the time but learned how to cook and now he runs everyday and is kind of a weirdo but a cool guy nonetheless.

I'm not sure what its like for you but this guy said food can be medicine or poison.

I hope this helps.
I don't know how much of an inspiration I can be for much longer. Nothing worse than the docs telling you theres nothing wrong with you, when you can barely stand up 1/2 the time and it hurts like the dickens when you do. Not to mention I haven't really held solid food down in about a week and a half. I can't even clean the veiwing area of the tank at this point, let alone afford the rest of the maintence. I'm dang close to giving up and shutting it down.

You and I don't know each other, although I have read this thread through and through and posted in it a few times. I have buried a lot of my friends over the years (partiers unfortunatly don't live long and happy lives, too often short and happy:rolleyes:) Anyways, the one that hurt the most was a guy that just gave up all of his passions and wasted away. I encourage you to keep feeding your obsession, and in fact dive in deeper. Sometimes we need to feel responsible to something more than ourselves to get by hard times. I'm certainly not calling you weak, making light of your situation, or trying to be insulting in any way, but maybe the diversion is more important than you think. Now I do know that you and I have the same opinion of medical proffesionals, and I think there could be something to Banabus's post. Try making a few changes in your diet or routine and see what happens. Keep on keeping on, it will get better.
don't give up, never ever ever

if necessary, just put the tank on autopilot. Whatever pests or algae or growth happens, it can all be cleaned up with maintenance in the future. You might even be surprised how well your [huge] tank can put itself into its own natural balance.

I did this for 6-8 months when each of my 2 kids were first born. feedings and topoff water was all I did, and I was surprised how the tank kept itself in line. It looked like he11 but cleaned up nice.

Don't give up! just put it on hold, if necessary.
hi, this is tink.
k is at the hospital having a TEE test done because his doctor is concerned he might have endocarditis. i'm pretty much sitting by the phone as we speak waiting for an update.
i thought i'd update you guys and wow, the encouragement in these posts is really nice. he's having a hard time not getting discouraged so i appreciate you all talking to him this way. i really hope he doesn't lose his passion or fight and it's nice to know that even though i don't know you in "real life" you guys are behind me on that.
He is being admitted. Big infection on the new artifical valve. They are talking about all kinds of things. He is not happy. Prayers/vibes/thoughts appreciated not only for his physical but his mental state of health too. I'll try to update when I can. Looks like it's time to go to the hospital again. :(
Hang in there, keep fighting, and know that the thoughts and best wishes of your fellow reefers are with you.
keep fighting!
One of my clients was diagnosed terminal, given a month to live. He cleaned up his diet to all natural and organic, spent time with his family and said he was going to beat it. 11 years later he is cancer free!
Our hearts are with you.
sorry to hear about the recent return to hospital life (but thanks for the updates, tink). as much as it sucks man, you gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to your health. i've read your opinions on the subject and i know what you're saying but sometimes it's the only way to go. keep your head up and be proud that you're the kind of dude who has not only a community of strangers but a good woman right behind you. everything else is details. that kind of stuff is what makes a life worth living. take advantage of whatever help you can get, and get well soon man.
Tink,thanks for updating us, tell K to hang in there. He's a winner, he will come out on top. Our prayers are with him. He sure has been an inspiration to us here, time for us to give back !
So sorry to hear about the recent hospitalization. Sending prayers & thoughts from California for a speedy recovery.
Dang i just got done reading 70+ pages and WOW, you must be a very strong person to go through all of that **** in a short time, im a union crane operator and have worked with alot of millwrsights at paper mills and powerhouses and are some really good guys and your no exception, too bad i dont live closer id bring the beer when you get out! Prayers from small town iowa going your way, hang in there man!!
Khaos, when you read this, take some sort of sick pleasure in the fact that you've managed to get at least 40 total strangers pulling for you just by writing a sorta-blog on the internet about a hobby you do, and more importantly, your views on living. Everybody tagging along here follows the thread because of you. We identify with or wish we had the willpower, toughness, and joie de vivre you exude. Take a breath, and then fight through this latest issue. You can do it, man. Me and all the other RC yahoos across the country are pulling for you.