How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

that's so amazing to hear. Thanks Dave. I know how hard it is to see someone you love in a hospital bed, but he is blessed to have the family he has.

I wish I could be there to help with the maintenance but I will keep praying for you all.
God's speed and best wishes to Kev in his uphill battle and hats off to Tink and his mom and dad. Our prayers will continue. PS, don't scratch the tank!
I just spent all morning and part of the afternoon reading through this thread. Best wishes from my family to yours.
Thanks guys :-)
Apparently his heart started right back up without assistance. Dr. Douglas said they did amazing things to his body and he doesn't know if it was God or just his will to live or just that he is stubborn as a mule but he was amazed it was like his body was ready to go and get out of that OR, i'm just fine, what's next? lol
Dr. NEVER imagined this good of an outcome. And thank you to the person who donated their body parts. It's saved his life.
They were also able to save his sternum (which they weren't planning on!!!). There 's a ton of wire going through it but they actually were able to close him up! He's in one piece! You don't know how much that relieves me. Last time was a nightmare. I never knew you could take for granted your loved one being in one piece but now I am grateful for things like that!
I got the first good nights sleep in weeks. I will be visiting him soon but have decided only for a few hours. No more sleeping and living at the hospital. I need to take this next month and really recharge my spirit as well.
Thanks again to you all. Lots of love that I cannot even express.
I need to take this next month and really recharge my spirit as well.

this is a VERY important thing as well. having loved ones in distress can take a significant toll on a person. it's wonderful to hear that there has been such success in putting K back together again and it is also very good to hear that you're taking the time to keep yourself right. this goes not only for you Tink, but everyone there who has been burning the candle at both ends waiting for the news. i hope you can all take a deep breath and decompress a little.
I know I am decompressing a little. Man, I've been worrying and hoping to hear more good news. Thanks Tink, you're an awesome lady! God's peace to you and Kevin, and Kevin's mom, and everyone else.
Amazing!! Khaos and Tink the angels are watching over you both. Best wishes to you and your family. We have fell in love with your story and consider you friends. Hopefully, the worst is behind you and your road to recovery will be smooth without any bumps in the road. I think it's time to post the paypal account info again so we can contribute to keeping Khaos' dream tank going while he recovers. Maybe you can hire a service to come in and clean and maintain it for him so he has something beautiful to watch during his recovery. I know it will be hard to keep his hands out of it. Big hugs and best wishes from Cold and Sunny Florida.
I think it's time to post the paypal account info again so we can contribute to keeping Khaos' dream tank going while he recovers. Maybe you can hire a service to come in and clean and maintain it for him so he has something beautiful to watch during his recovery. I know it will be hard to keep his hands out of it.

+1 - please let us help however we can since most of us are so far away. We feel like we know you well and truly care about K's health and hope for strength for you and the rest of the family as you work through this.
Here, here about the paypal. I know last time it came in handy from what Khaos said.
Can someone post the paypal addi to donate again. I think it was a link on Tink's website.
Just checked the link we used last time and it's dead. Tink I know you have a lot going on but all you have to give us is the paypal address. You don't need to setup a special website or anything like that. If you have a paypal account we just need the e-mail address for that account.
Hi guys. I got back from the hospital about an hour ago and Wow, there is a glow about him. He looks wonderful (in the recuperating in the ICU kind of way, LOL).
I mean, in comparison, to all past surgeries. Something is different. There is like a new kind of peace there, I can't explain it.
I really think all these prayers have helped. Thank you so much again.
And pacing myself and only staying for a few hours today really was good on my soul, I can tell such a big difference when I let myself recharge. I am in very good spirits today.
Sorry about the link, our website was closed down due to finances and that's prob why it doesn't work anymore, lol.
If anyone feels like they would donate, my email address for it is
Thanks so much everyone. Love to all!
Tink, my father-in-law had a serious accident and got an MERSA infection. He was in and out of the hospital for 2 years. This past December he was hospitalized again and I could tell as soon as I saw him that he had turned a corner and was going to be fine. We visited him today and he was up and walking around the house without assistance for the first time in 2 years. I hope Kev has turned the corner as well and is on his way to a full recovery.

As I have told my mother-in-law many times over the past 2 years, please take this time Kev is in the hospital to take care of yourself. You will have your hands full trying to keep him in bed when he comes home.
D*** it all! I feel so bad for you all up that way, I wish I could express how I feel.

My son is suffering from a MRSA infection right now as well and while I can't exactly feel your pain, I think I can understand the pain of your loved ones. K, I know you won't read this until you are better but for Tink and the other family and friends my heart and prayers are with you.
Wow I had faith he would pull through this and man it just makes my faith stronger to here this. Tink you are one hell of a woman!! He is a lucky man to have someone like you beside him. A lot of them would of walked away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for giving me strength and faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$25 sent. Let's get everyone reading this thread to donate $10 and we'll get a significant amount to help our brother out.
Post the paypal addi everytime you donate so others can easily find it without looking all over the thread for it.