How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

Been reading along quietly, posted way back, wasnt around for a few months
and when i clicked on the thread I figured there would be alot of talk about the tank, was very shocked to read what i did,so glad to here things are turning around, I know hes not out of the woods yet, but moving in the right direction is great news! Thanks for all the updates, amazing how you could keep up with that with all that is going on,I would say stay strong but thats pretty obvious
apparently he was having some hallucinations the other night but they got it under control by decreasing the morphine.

My husband had a few hallucinations when he was on morphine before his heart surgery. Gargoyles in the room (nurses), people standing on the walls, etc.

Glad to hear he's up and about.
$25 sent. Let's get everyone reading this thread to donate $10 and we'll get a significant amount to help our brother out.
Post the paypal addi everytime you donate so others can easily find it without looking all over the thread for it.

Just matched your donation.

I am blown away by all that is happening.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone. I thought it was very touching that Kev's dad posted.
nice to hear K's doing great and that you too are maintaining your composure!!
This time dont let the nutso do things to quickly, a slowly but surely recovery.

thanx for the news Tink!!

regards to everyone
hi, guys--tink.
well yesterday i saw him and he's still progressing..was able to walk a little better. even went online to check the posts on here but wasn't able to reply because he got dizzy so we headed back to his room. he's got a bit of cabin fever so i think he was glad to just get up and walk around.
picc line put in again which he's not happy about but that will deliver all the meds to make sure this infection is not even thinking about coming back. and they removed one of the big tubes from his neck last night which is good. (the more tubes they remove, the better)
i haven't seen him yet today as i've slept in. i'll be headed there in a little while. i'll let you know how it goes or if he's up to it maybe he will let you know himself.
thanks for all your well wishes.

I'm sort of up and around atleast untill the nurses figure out where I'm hiding. (yea out of sight computer room.

I don't really know about all the drama going on and kinda hoping it goes away. I left that world a long time ago and kinda like it left back there.

my heads a little spinny at the moment so excuse my rather disjointed thoughts

thanks again for all the well wishes again, and hopefully I'll be back again funtional soon

you're one hell of a fighter, K. let the past dramas stay where they belong, the past. you focus on the present my friend. you've got plenty to do in the right here and now so you can have a long happy future. keep your spirits high (but not too high ;))
Dude, i have been along with you from the begining of this thread.. Im the kind who quietly stands in the background so thats why you havent heard from me as of yet.. This thread and your health has really been on my mind, to the point where my family and friends know of you and always ask how your doing. Well I truly hope this is the last time I have to go to them with bad news. I pray that this is the last of this living hell you have had to endure and the good time are just around the corner. And your tank is the only tank I want to see to become tank of the month before mine :P

But please, as a fellow stubborn man, take it easy and just focus on getting better.. I was laid up for eight months from a car crash a few years a go, and i did exactly what the doctors told me to do and my health returned, i did suffer major financial losses due to not working but in the end it was only money i lost but gained my health which is truly the most important thing because without it there is no future.. so please just get better so maybe one day i can drag my poor family for a long *** road trip to your place from here in Toronto so i can see the marvel of a tank you have bestowed upon us.
Mornin' K and Tink! Kev, the lounge field trip hoisted' a few 'yer way last weekend! Were your ears burning?! Keep it goin, Bro!