How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

since they wont let you go back to work wont you be eligible for social security dissability? Sure its not a ton of money but im sure it would help.
Hang in there Kev, I know life has dealt you some severe blows lately, but you are one of the strongest people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I hope you find a home for your tank to get that stress off of you now. I hate to see it go, I have enjoyed immensely the Chaos of your build :). Now the main purpose or your berserker attitude needs to be on getting some kind of normal I'm sure. Please try to keep us posted on your progress, we are all pulling for you. Keep your chin up as much as you can, here's hoping every day brings a little more strength back to you.
Hi Kev and Tink,

I used to be a college teacher but had to stop after having brain surgery 4 years ago (I can't do the hard cognitive thinking due to some brain damage). I am on Social Security Disability but my doctor finally allowed me to work 18-20 hours per week. I now clean people's houses, shop for them etc. Pretty tough on the income as well as the ego.
BUT, you adjust. Like you, I was VERY sick and died on the table but the doctors were able to bring me back. That being said, I'm thankful that you even made it home. That in and of itself is a huge miracle.

Time will help, obviously. I hope you find a buyer for your tank because undoubtedly it's too much for you. But you know what, that's ok. I now run just a little 30g. AIO and I love it. It's not too much work, it let's you maintain some reefing passion, and best of all, it's managable. Perhaps a similar type of goal will make your life a little better in the future.

I prayed for you Kev, and PLEASE take it easy and let your body heal. Your life is now moving in a different direction and that'll be ok. Try to "go with the flow".

I appreceate that. Its a hard concept to wrap my brain around that the body I have used (and abused way to often) actually finally has given up. Its all I can do to stop myself from taking on what a year ago would be tasks I wouldn't have even thought about.
I am still looking forward to your next thread "How not to build a 3 gallon pico tank build thread" I am glad you are home and getting better.
You could use that 750 for the sump. LOL
actually, if K wants to stay in the hobby, a small display tank and a huge refugium/cryptic zone/sump would probably make for a very low-maintance tank.

The priority is your health, K. you can always get back into the hobby when you're feeling better.
actually, if K wants to stay in the hobby, a small display tank and a huge refugium/cryptic zone/sump would probably make for a very low-maintance tank.

The priority is your health, K. you can always get back into the hobby when you're feeling better.


You know what I found about having a nano: you have to decide what you REALLY love 'cuz you sure as heck can't put everything in it. It's a different kind of challenge versus running an awesome monster tank.

You'll know when the time is right Kevin, and excuse me for nagging, but if you want that chance later, take time now to mend.

You know what--it's been 4 years since my surgery and I still can't attend the July 4th fireworks--it makes my head crazy and increases my chances for seizures. So, I find friends to take my 14 year old son to the park '"cuz that's just the way it is".
hey bud, glad to see you are home. i knew you would be ok , but you scared all of us a little . you need to rest now. you need all your energy to heal . dont worry too much about money and all that other BS it will all work it's way out . you will start feeling alot better pretty soon and going back to work may seem to work its way out. i wish you all the best my friend.
they did in fact check me out. I did strongly encourage them as I don't take being confined well. I was back in for testing today. I still feel like hell, and still haven't been able to deal much with the tank. I'm finally making some new top off water, so I should have everything back in check by morning. (the joys of needing 50 gallons a week just to top off the tank). Have one lead on a new home for it, see if they are serious or not.

It doesn't look like work is going to let me go back to work this time so I have no idea what to do at this point. Just system overload.

take your time man, may be some of the reefers around your area can help out in getting the water change done for you and any other things for the tank. \\heck if I was around buds i would be there to help out.
the issue isn't at this point even the health issues and care of the tank. I could automate just about everything if that was the issue. Pumps and valves make that issue easy. The issue is that work won't let me come back, most likley even if I ever get DR's clearence, and most likely I am out of my field for good if not the workforce competely. If I can find an option for me it will not allow for $300+ power bills and $100 water bills every month anytime soon, let alone afford the repairs and mods that my house requires to be able to keep that tank long term. My savings was already destroyed last summer, and I have few options left other than liquidating just about everything extra.

Sorry enough whining from me tonight. I should be dead 3 times over now... and I'm not even 40 yet.selling an aquarium shouldn't be to bad.
Glad you're as good as you are K. I understand the need to sell the tank and agree with your choice. I hope you are able to manage to end up with a system that you can enjoy sometime in the future, hopefully big enough to keep those crosshatch's you've talked about so much in!
I think Kev needs top patent the "How not to" concept, kinda like the books "Dummy's Guideto". His first new income could be to write "How not to have open heart surgery"... I'm sure based on a thread that is about to split a SECOND time that he'd have a NY Times Best Seller. Follow up book would be how Not to move a 750gallon tank - as much as we don't want to see it go I'm sure the process will be another best seller based on how KhaosInc does things...
Hang in there and keep us posted, we're all pulling for your recovery.
the issue isn't at this point even the health issues and care of the tank.

Sorry enough whining from me tonight. I should be dead 3 times over now... and I'm not even 40 yet.selling an aquarium shouldn't be to bad.

Dude, I would wager you have never whined a day in your life. You have your priorities straight right now, the tank is non-issue :). I agree with the post above, with your ability to tell a story and your dry sense of humor, you might consider writing? I know I avidly read your posts, and couldn't wait for the next issue :). I think your style would appeal to many people.

Hang in there K, hopefully things are on the upswing for you now, I know it may not seem that way and is easy for me to say sitting here... but.....
I have not been on RC for months. Your thread was my favorite. I cannot believe what is going on. I am praying for you, sending you good thoughts, and wow, I wish I had the fight you do. This is so sad. God bless you and your family. HUGS!!!!!
the issue isn't at this point even the health issues and care of the tank. I could automate just about everything if that was the issue. Pumps and valves make that issue easy. The issue is that work won't let me come back, most likley even if I ever get DR's clearence, and most likely I am out of my field for good if not the workforce competely. If I can find an option for me it will not allow for $300+ power bills and $100 water bills every month anytime soon, let alone afford the repairs and mods that my house requires to be able to keep that tank long term. My savings was already destroyed last summer, and I have few options left other than liquidating just about everything extra.

Sorry enough whining from me tonight. I should be dead 3 times over now... and I'm not even 40 yet.selling an aquarium shouldn't be to bad.

I gave it some thought and though I really like your tank, I couldn't take on such a beast because of the cost on upkeep.

I don't think I have access to the for sale thing yet but I may be interested purchasing some things, You mentioned several pages ago you wanted to sell/eBay a few things.
When you feel up to it of course...
Oh wow. I've taken some time off keeping up on RC so I had to get caught up again on this thread.


I was holding my breath as I pulled up each next page - praying for you & thinking OMG what next for these fine folks??!!

You're a smart guy, and you seem to have a great support system with your dad and Tink. I know you are now putting your priorities in order, in a new way. Hey, I completed cancer treatment this past year and they call it The New Normal. That's what you will now deal with, too. It takes some time to wrap your head around that.

Just take super good care of yourself now. Concentrate on regaining your strength and health--that's hard enough work. I hope someone comes along to take that behemoth tank off your hands soon - all or in parts. If you fully recover, there's the rest of your life to plan another tank of any size.

There are so many rooting for you. From all the posts, imagine those who just read but are still praying and pulling for you guys. It's amazing. I wish you all the best.
LOL... be forwarned, its some scary pics. (yes I broke down and got a cheap camera)
this is what happens when you don't clean the veiwing surface of your tank for about a month, and some of your lights stick on. (yes I fixed that part now)




and somehow even without the fuge light kicking on, some cheato still lives and nothing kills that red stuff...

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