How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

if one looks down from the top it actually looks ok in there. I just can't run a scraper or a magnet at this point.

almost looks like a jellyfish in there! :lol: keep on healing, K.
OK K. Been reading since way back... sad to see the direction of tank, optimistic in your direction. Someone said to take up writing... it can't hurt, can it? Anyways, I hope you find peace and enjoy the kaos (yah im a Get Smart fan). I sense a sadness now based on the posts/day.

So r u scraping? My tank in progress is glass. My last a 250gal island acrylic with center overflow. My problem, and a good one, is I have to travel some on business so I have to depend on my better half for one or so weeks at a time every couple of months. I am hoping glass will allow me to be delinquent and still be able to clean the viewing surface without the worry of a scratch.

By the way... a few questions, sorry if I missed the answers along the way.

When WAS the first scratch?

Did you really quit smoking after the first ribsplit?

What is the plan assuming you sell the monster?

I truly wish you and your family the best... your story is compelling and should be in print.
OK K. Been reading since way back... first post, sad to see the direction of tank, optimistic in your direction. Someone said to take up writing... it can't hurt, can it? Anyways, I hope you find peace and enjoy the kaos (yah im a Get Smart fan). I sense a sadness now based on the posts/day.

So r u scraping? My tank in progress is glass. My last a 250gal island acrylic with center overflow. My problem, and a good one, is I have to travel some on business so I have to depend on my better half for one or so weeks at a time every couple of months. I am hoping glass will allow me to be delinquent and still be able to clean the viewing surface without the worry of a scratch.

By the way... a few questions, sorry if I missed the answers along the way.

When WAS the first scratch?

Did you really quit smoking after the first ribsplit?

What is the 'plan' as much as you have one, assuming you sell the monster?

I truly wish you and your family the best... your story is compelling and should be in print.
By the way... a few questions, sorry if I missed the answers along the way.

When WAS the first scratch?

I actually made it pretty far... don't remember exactly when. Dang snail eggs.

Did you really quit smoking after the first ribsplit? Yea right. I still haven't quit.

What is the 'plan' as much as you have one, assuming you sell the monster?

At this point, my plan is simply to stave off losing my house long enough to figure out some kind of income.

I truly wish you and your family the best... your story is compelling and should be in print.

I'm not that exciting in real life.
K, The pics don’t look real bad but how do you get it clean without scratching it? When it’s empty a little or in your case a lot of vinegar will dissolve it.

Switching gears… where did you order that monster tank from? Would you recommend that company again?
By the way... a few questions, sorry if I missed the answers along the way.

I truly wish you and your family the best... your story is compelling and should be in print.

I'm not that exciting in real life.

Okay no arguement with exciting, but compelling is what I reiterate! Keep on keeping on...
Still not dead, tank is still here, keeping it topped off and fed, still haven't been able to get the motivation to clean it. More laywers and doctors tommorow. I'm so excited....LOL
Still not dead, tank is still here, keeping it topped off and fed, still haven't been able to get the motivation to clean it. More laywers and doctors tommorow. I'm so excited....LOL

K, glad to hear ur not dead "¦ That reminds me of the Metallica song Shoot Me Again"¦ Sorry had a stray thought"¦
Pulling for ya bud

K, Got a few questions

At what point (tank size) did the amount of evaporation your tanks gave off affect your living quarters?
My tanks will most likely be set up in Pennsylvania it's not real dry or wet in that location I know you are not from PA I'm just wondering what your experience was.​

K, do you recommend a glass or acrylic tanks?
From reading this post I gathered you had your share of both tanks and would like to hear your thoughts.​

Anything on your build you would like to have done differently?
I didn't have trouble until this year. I had a 300 gallon and 180 gallon fresh water tank, and a 225 gallon saltwater tank plus a turtle tank before that. I guess it was a mix of crossing the 1000 gallon mark, and a remodel that I never finished thanks to all my fun last summer.

I've had both glass and acrylic tanks. one may scratch easier, but I've never had an acrylic tank fail on me. I've lost a few glass tanks over the years. Smaller tanks are ok with glass, but much over a couple hundred gallons, I wouldn't trust them
Glad to hear from you. Not sure what the lawyers are for but I hope they easy your money situation some how. ( I hope your filthy rich someday you deserve it)