How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

I never have to worry about my socks... if they get stinky, my lab eats them...LOL

Mangrove/ amusement update.

I did some rearranging... really need to pull more sand out of the main tank




and the cheato section is looking happy... anyone know how to ship this stuff so that it stays alive... I hate throwing it on the bonfire.


getting some new growth


and I think that one has had it.


I also added some 'steamer clams' officially they are eel food/my first try at making fish food, but for now they can sit in the tank. All but one seem to be allive.


Shipping the Cheato from what I understand is pretty simple chunk some in a bag, add a wet papertowel or something similar, tie the bag up and ship it. I dont think it needs "water" like corals and fish I think it just needs moisture. I would still try and ship it overnight MAYBE 2nd day.
Shipping the Cheato from what I understand is pretty simple chunk some in a bag, add a wet papertowel or something similar, tie the bag up and ship it. I dont think it needs "water" like corals and fish I think it just needs moisture. I would still try and ship it overnight MAYBE 2nd day.

I just see all these $15 a quart shipped deals on this sight, and hell, I through that out in a week sometimes.

Be nice to have something help w/ my electric bill.
Its a disaster. I flooded it tonight working on some things. Maybe tommorow..

I did try my hand on making my own fish food. Dogs and cats love it, fish wern't so sure.
Tossed a half dozen different things from the seafood section, and about 10 sheets of nori, and topped it off with pellet and flake food.

figure one cube a day should work.

I also broke down and got some fish for the mangrove swamp. Needed something moving in there.




and bounce is looking guilty, but I don't know why....

Are you quarantine fish before you add them?


I know I should but I don't. Don't need the lecture... I lost more fish to QT then I have since I gave up. I did everything "right" when I set up this tank All fish were treated before they went in. All my rock/corals were fishless for about 3 months. Still got ick. Everyone came through it fine and occationally the hippos get a couple of spots. I couldn't tear this tank down if I wanted to, physically I'm not capable. Am I taking a huge risk, yes... Is the tank doing well and is everyone healthy and eating.... yes
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Oooooooooh, here we go boys and girls....... :spin2:

LOL you might be right. I didnt. Got ich, 2 months later using kick ich and losing fish and of course money, I am tearing apart the tank to take the fish out. Then go fishless for 9 weeks
I should have quarantined.
Your right, enough said.

Eh, some do some dont. I sure do, not that it is an end all cure all. On the flip side, I have been in the same boat as khaosinc. I lost quite a few fish in QT going by the book also. For me, it is now a 5-7 day ritual of quinine with DT water in a 10g QT and then in the DT they go with gods speed.
I haven't lost a fish since my second (of 5) trips to the hospital for an extended period, except for a powder blue in QT. The others were due to an ATO failure when the tank had only been up a month which is why I don't use them anymore. My leopard wrass isn't looking the best, but it might just be age. He's been through 2 tanks with me and several years before that in another tank.

Anyway, changing speeds... I played a bit with the 300 today. Got all the plugs made and a couple installed. Found the ID of a 48 mm hole saw worked very nice for the 1 3/4 holes and gave up and used a jig saw and a grinder for the larger ones.

took a bit o practice...


finally got 4 I liked

little trimming w/ a sharp knife and some sandpaper..

little weld on 3 to glue the plug on the backing plate

weldon 3 and 16 to glue it down, once I get some help to flip the other side up I'll glue the plug from the other side as well..

and test fitting the mermaid. Unfortunetly its about 50 degrees here so no bikini..LOL
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LOL... I doubt it. She isn't sure what it is either. Its waiting on me having extra money for some parts. With the $441 electric bill, it might have to wait.
the 300 is all patched. Going to start figuring out the plumbing tonight, and figure out what I need. The overflow has 2-1 1/2" bulkheads and a 1" bulkhead installed, and hopefully in the morning (of before I go to bed... same thing) I'll get it filled up for a first leak test and see about cleaning it up.

I even kinda figured out a plan for the tank. Its going to be divided in to 2 sections. First section will have a cave, shallow sand bed (pulling more out of the main tank) and the back and left wall will be a foam/rock wall and the Eel will get to live in it with maybe a tankmate or 2 if I stumble over them. I figure 4'x2'x30" is more than enough for him. The other 1/2 of the tank will be a bare bottom frag/grow out tank. I'm going to use eggcrate/foam/zipties to divide the 2 sections which will make it easier to mount powerheads and such and look a little nicer once the coraline takes over (which it seems to do in my tank fast). The whole thing will of course be tied in to the main tank through the sump. For now, it will only be fed w/ a mag 18 as its all I have kicking around.

Now I'm gonna go play with capt. Morgan...

:beer: posted at 12:36 it's almost 2 hours later so I'm going to guess thats theres more than a lil Cap'n in ya by now.
Nah, something far more mundane... dishes/cleaning the kitchen.

Must of done something right. 2 for 2 repairing tanks. Pretty no, safely holding water yes...


won't see the patches once I attack everything with spray foam...