How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread-Khaosinc 3/5/71-8/30/11

Nothing like a cold beer after a few hours of driving and getting to play with new corals for your tank...

Got to finally meet 'ReturnofSid' Funny how well you feel like you know someone over reading threads and messaging a bit over the internet.

Was nice to meet ya and put a face to a name, hope next time you can make it up my way... Corals should be done acclimating in an hour or so and I can finally get some sleep.
my hope/plan is that when they grow the roots long enough, I can put them in pots and seperate them once they grow in...
LOL, I'm starting to get a complex... I think 8 of the last 11 posts have been me.

I need attention... Whaaaah.

Ok I feel better. Least I'm honest.

anyway.... finally situated the new frags. and took some other random pics for fun. Also played a bit with the mangrove swamp... looks much better now.

Linka checking out the Zoa's again...

New Favia frag from 'returnofsid'


Hammer as well


and the candy canes. Little grumpy from the trip.


and a something or another 'rainbow sherbert' from him as well..

couple of $6.99 frags.... I'm a sucker for the bargin bin

grumble... here we go again with these guys...


green toadstool is coming around..

some stuff on the floor...


open brains looking better..

someday I'll regret that...


already climbing the walls.


and after 13 months of annoying me... something is finally missing in this pic...

the tank is really starting to show the fruits of your labor. looking good
the zoa's look like they are multiplying, fish look healthy . keep up the good work and keep posting photos.................
I'm mostly funtional. Mostly I just want my legs back. I can live with shaky hands. I suppose I'm starting to get used to all the pills. I can almost funtion most of the time. The rest I take naps. Still undecieded on the new treatment options. At the moment I'm ignoring it and hope it goes away.

A small side note, my 6 line looked like your signature for a few months before he died.

Question mark? Are you refering to the crosshatch as my avatar?

and no one can tell whats missing can they....

That ugly return line thats been annoying me since I set this tank up...


can see it in this pic.


Next time I'm motivated, I might just finally tie up the power cords draped all through the tank.
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Tank looks great! You must be doing something right. Sounds like you are feeling better. I know this hobby is great therapy.
For some reason i was thinking Sailfin was missing from the set of pics lol.
Seems like your doing better and better each day keep up the slow but good work healthwise and tank wise. I think the tank is the best therapy you have gotten in a LONG time.
PS hows things coming concerning the PM you sent me a while back?
PM sent.

It looks like I do alot, but I can really only go about 15 mins at a time. when one has 16 hours a day to kill that adds up. I've never not worked and really don't know what do do with myself besides play with the tank.

This hobby may be great therepy but a shrink and meds is way cheaper... even without insurance...LOL
Fish poop and Rum? No wonder the Drs cant figure you out. You dont need dialysis you need a skimmer installed LMAO :)