if a valve shows 1/4 tube connections, can i still use it? swagelock SS SS4 like this?
http://www.swagelok.com/search/find_products_home.aspx?part=SS-SS4 or am i better off getting the 1/8?
1/4 tube is the standard size. You should use it.
if a valve shows 1/4 tube connections, can i still use it? swagelock SS SS4 like this?
http://www.swagelok.com/search/find_products_home.aspx?part=SS-SS4 or am i better off getting the 1/8?
If you needs parts some guy is selling co2 parts on planted tank.
The wires for the 24v psu are freaking tiny. I suspect they use the same contacts for all the voltages though so they are huge.
I built mine up with a few pieces of heat shrink so that the cable strain relief would clamp on the cable properly.
bling bling
Those regs are really nice. I Couldn't find any for a good deal when I was looking.
How's this setup looking so far?
Holidays got me busy, so I hadn't Teflon taped anything yet, but it's sitting in my garage all pretty.
I tried using the yellow Teflon tape when I first started putting this rig together, and I ended up destroying the threads on the 1/4" nipple and the 1/4"x1/8" 90. $40 mistake.
I was literally too lazy to look for the white Teflon tape. Which I ended up finding the next day in my tool box.
Also wanted to verify, for the 12v Burkerts, a 500ma 12v power supply is good. Right?
Alan- Regarding Swagelock bellows metering valves (SS-4BMW-CVR). Is there any advantages/disadvantages between the valve that is gasketless with a welded body (metering stem) versus the one that has a silver plated gasket and metal seat (regulating stem) for our purposes?
Ok i got my regulator together and Im leak testing it but I'm having a problem, I did the first stage test which held great all night at 900 but when I open up the regulator for the second stage it doesn't go to max pressure. Also when I turn the regulator to close it up again the second gauge just drops to zero. I have it totally hooked up with the solenoid and all. Your directions say the solenoid should just not be plugged in and it will hold pressure but its not. I did the soapy water test and no bubbles so does that mean my solenoid is bad?