How to build a CO2 regulator for your calcium reactor.

How to build a CO2 regulator for your calcium reactor.

Give it a short burst of co2 by plugging in the power adapter for 5 seconds then unplug it. Repeat the steps for 5-8 times. Make sure needle valve is fully opened
When you turn the regulator all the way to the left, it will cut off co2 from the first stage. This is normal. You should unplug the power adapter, charge up the second stage, turn the regulator knob all the way to the left. Remove the reg from the tank. At this point the low pressure gauge should still read 30psi. Let it sit there and record the psi after 3 hours.
How to build a CO2 regulator for your calcium reactor.

I took apart the pieces after the reg and before the burkert retaped them and tightened them good and it seems to be holding.
I want to make sure that this Parker regulator uses standard fittings and not the face seal fittings before I buy the rest of the parts. There is no "FS" in the model number and I don't see a ridge at the bottom of the port well. Thanks




i got everything assembled now I am testing the regulator, when I fill up the first chamber it maxes out at 500 psi is that ok? I know your write up says it should be 800-900.
does the dual stage behave the same as single one where the valve needs to be completely closed before opening the CO2 to avoid blown the gauge. Had couple of single stage where the gauges were blown when I forgot to close the pressure knob.
How to build a CO2 regulator for your calcium reactor.

500 psi is low. Very low. TAnk is almost empty at that level. A full co2 tank should read 800psi.

Got everything taped, wired, and hooked up tonight and I'm not getting any gas coming out of the needle valve. Looks like my solenoid is not opening. I tested it after I wired it up, and i heard it click when I cycled the power. Now I don't hear any click when I plug in the power to the solenoid. I'm using a Burkert 6011 a 12v. I am using a 12v 500ma power supply. Good news is no leaks, but no solenoid is a bummer. I got it from eBay. Supposed to be brand new. Wondering if it's the power supply. Or any other ideas?

Do you happen to have any spare SS 6011 a in 12v?

Looks like I found my problem. I have a 24v solenoid, NOT a 12v. What an idiot. Hahaha
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Check to make sure you have the solenoids "P" side connected to the high pressure inlet side and the "A" side as the outlet application side. I know the burket is designed with pressure assist to close the valve shut.