Hi my name is Josie. I live in Menifee, Ca and I have been in the hobby since January. I currently have a 225 gallon reef tank. it has Marshall Island rock, 250 watt metal halides with cooler fans, tunze wave maker with turbines with computer, calcium reactor, bio lazier, protein skimmer, refugium system with Co2 tank and gages, and a large chiller. the livestock i have are a yellow stripe maroon clownfish, manderin, diamond goby, bellus angel, black spot angel, tomini tang, eye-spot tang, neon goby, 2 sailfin tangs, 2 yellow tangs, coral beauty angel, flame angel, purple tang, hippo tang, powder blue tang, powder brown tang, banner fish, lyretail anthias, 2 blue starfish, 4 turbo snails, 50 Caribbean bluelegged hermits, 20 scarlet red legged hermits, 6 cleaner shrimp, 5 fire shrimp, 2 camelback shrimp,emerald crab,sallylight foot crab, a few leather corals, starpolys, and a bubble coral. I also have a 150 gallon with just a snowflake eel and a green chromi. it has a dual pack protein skimmer, 2 rena xp4 canister filters, uv sterilizer and a lg. chiller. i just ordered a sump for this tank and i want to make it an angelfish tank. i want to get a queen angel, blueface angel, and goldflake angel. the snowflake and chromi are going back to the lfs, lol.