its been a fun ride guys...


New member
Its been a long, ardulous 10 days and i've got some bad news"¦ my display tank is officially crashed.

I'm in a weird situation and not sure what to do from this point forward. I knew this day would come sooner or later.

Thank you to everyone that helped out and let me borrow equipment. Things just didn't work out as planned due to me being overwhelmed.

Here is a summary of what happened:

Beginning of April, we noticed a small section of our carpet was damp adjacent to the kitchen.
Figured it was the 16 yr old dishwasher since i couldn't find any water under the sink so we go get a new one.

During the diswasher replacement, the installer noticed a lot of mold back there and recommended we hold off on installing until its removed. Immediately, we contacted our homeowners insurance and got a claim going.

Long story short, 3 toxic molds were growing in our house. No sink, dishwasher, limited kitchen access, a containment barrier, demolition, fans, dust, testing, etc for about 8 weeks.

Mold was also discovered in the carpetting and 80% of the house flooring needed replacement. This was the when i made the difficult decision to breakdown the tank instead of having them re-floor around it. I needed the assurance that nothing funky was growing underneath the stand (as we've all had water spills) for my own peace of mind.

Fast forward two months to Saturday, May 29th...some friends and I transferred all livestock from display into large water bins in our den. Each bin had strong circulation and heat to combat the weird, cold weather we had that week.

Sunday and Monday, corals and livestock appeared ok.

Tuesday, I manage to find time to squeeze in a 20% water change on the bins as i can "smell" things are going south. Removed all tank equipment from display and isolated the system for relocation. New flooring completed in 40% of house.

Wednesday, I had to move the bins and stressed out livestock to a compleed area of the house so flooring could be put in the den. Noticed some smaller sps colonies rtn'd. The smell of the empty display began stinking up the whole house. Moved display tank into hallway/master bedroom. New flooring completed 70% by end of the day.

Thursday, many of the larger sps colonies began to rtn. Water in 2 of the 3 bins stinks bad and is cloudy. I toss any white corals I can see. Water in the primarily chalice bin remains clean and clear for some reason. Moved display tank onto the new flooring. Flooring completed 100% by end of the day.

Friday, I pulled out some dead fish and continued to remove dead acro's and some chalices. Got very depressed during this time. The empty display began to REALLY stink up the house. I shop vac'd anywhere in the display I could reach with my beat up body. To alleviate the smell, I filled the display with 30g of new saltwater.

Saturday, was the worst day ever. Everything in 2 bins was dying and it was time for a Hail Mary. I added another 60g of saltwater to the display and began transferring the livestock to the tank. You know its bad when you can catch your plethora of tangs with your hands.

Sunday, got the display tank and sump completely filled and was able to start the skimmer and tunzes. I couldn't believe the fish that were on deaths door were following me around like usual! Did some makeshift landscaping to provide hiding places for the fish. However, many of the corals I put in from Saturday were on the way out. Emptied and cleaned out 2 of the bins. Slid last bin back into the den without disturbing them too bad. Did a 40% water change on the bin.

Monday, reconnected all equipment to the display. Cleared some space in our garage from all the water making. Fish/shrimp continued to to improve but I know I'm not out of the woods yet. Remaining corals in display continue to die. So by next weekend its going to be a FOWLR. Corals in den are looking good but I'm not sure how dedicated I am to keeping them around.

During the tank breakdown, I was on zero energy and averaging 5-6 hours of sleep, coming off the flu and nursing a severely sprained left ankle. Everything seemed to happen so fast. We saved a lot of money by demoing our kitchen counters, redoing the framing, plumbing, removing interior tile (loved using that Hilti!), moving furniture, pulling up carpet, tack strip, removing and painting baseboards, removing/replacing toilets, removing vinyl, removing clothes washer and dryer, breaking down bedroom furniture and trying our best to hold it together.

So with all that in mind, I'll leave you with some lasting impressions of this journey"¦

A tough decision beforehand"¦


OMG!!!!! I'm so sorry Tim. Didn't know you were going through all this. I'm here if you need anything. Don't know what to say to keep you in the "game" after all you've been through. Speechless and in shock right now.......................................................
OMG that would have broken my heart! and I only have a 14 gal bio.

I've thought about the what if's should they ever occur.

So sorry for your loss!
Can we start a "relief fund" for Tim? I know it's not much, but a couple bucks from a lot of members can add up to a significant sum.

Sorry for your loss Tim :(
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I'm in hopes that you are not out of the hobby. When I first found interest in reefing, before I even bought anything, I checked certain websites. I happened upon Reefcentral and saw a huuge tank that happened to be near my area. The pictures, oh my gosh, had me wondering whether I could do something like this. As I read the thread I was surprised to see that this beautiful of a tank was in a household, maintained by one, and with kids! I was convinced then I could succeed at something like this. TFP is a name you see in a lot of places on the web when looking at beautiful pictures of rare corals, from sales to just plain astounding FTS shots. His was the first I'd seen at least of large tanks, and after all I've seen it's still my favorite.

Its' pretty safe to say that anyone involved with this part of the forum would have zero issues with fragging you some of their rarest coral. I'm sure much of my stock comes from your lineage, and they wouldn't be in there without your efforts. If there is anything you need, be it help, livestock, equipment, anything, I am certain there is not a single person on here who would be reluctant to assist. I haven't a huge display with thousands in coral, and I haven'ty the means to do so. But I'd hate to see a large display, hell ecosystem, like yours cease to exsist due to a very unfortunate incident.

Let us know what you might need. I'm very sorry for your losses.
Tim, I am deeply sorry that this turned out this way. If you decide that you want to start over, just bring over your clippers and we'll have a go at thinning my tank.

You probably already know this, but if you don't, I have always appreciated your humility and generosity more that anything. You have shared and helped so many things with me along our reef journeys and I'm very blessed that our families have been able to share some times away from reefing as well.

No matter what, the reefing community will always have a debt of gratitude to tfp :thumbsup:

Tim, man that is horrible! I feel soooo bad for you man... I'm so incredibly sorry...

I've got many corals of yours and I would be happy to donating them to your rebuild. I can have at leasrt 30 corals en route once you give me the go ahead. Ill even pay the shipping!!!

Again I'm so terribly sorry for your great loss my friend. Please let me know if I can help in any way and I hope ypu choose to stay in the hobby.


Tim, man that is horrible! I feel soooo bad for you man... I'm so incredibly sorry...

I've got many corals of yours and I would be happy to donating them to your rebuild. I can have at leasrt 30 corals en route once you give me the go ahead. Ill even pay the shipping!!!

Again I'm so terribly sorry for your great loss my friend. Please let me know if I can help in any way and I hope ypu choose to stay in the hobby.

Wow, I'm at a loss for words here. Tim, you were the very first person that I had ever bought corals from when I started this hobby. And your knowledge of the hobby and generosity still remains with me to this day. I hope you do decide to start over with the reef. Build it stronger and better than before. I am willing to help donate what I can If you're ever in need.
Well, everyone in your family must be okay health-wise with 3 toxic molds found in your home, or else you would have said something... so that is good news. Do you think the humidity from your tank is linked to the mold problem?

It sounds like if you were ever to rebuild (after a long due tank vacation), you have good friends in the community to lend a hand. Best of luck to you Tim.
Oh my gosh. Seriously I'm in complete shock. I never met you Tim but your pics here on RC have always left a lasting impression. I'm lost for words.... :(
Tim,I am deeply saddened to hear of your loss, your tank has always been an inspiration for me and the offer is open for your pick of any SPS I have as well to get things rolling if you decide to continue on with things.

I can help and I am sure plenty of other people would too.

Hey Tim

I'm sorry to hear that but I have no doubt that, if you want it back, it will be back even better than before and much faster than you are thinking it will take now.

After my crash I'm happier than I've ever been with my setup and my corals are growing faster than ever. Oh, and I did get a piece of MARS lokani.

Hang in there buddy

ps The new flooring looks great!
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