North Central Pennsylvania Meetings May

Hello Snookie
Woolrich the home of famouse cloth :) I know Travis who lives there. And we go by to go ice diving by JStreet Lock Haven. I live less than two miles from Ron and I do buy from him once a while. Going home with water, rock, and a fish will make you in business for a few days. You want to make sure you stay in business more than a few days if you spend that kind of monye (expensive reef)
Rick and I are in! I'll bring lots of TOYS and GOODIES for all you kids! Better in person...up-close and's always fun to touch and feel...and play with all the gadgets!
My tank is getting up to speed now after the great trash can kill...dead corals are coming I NEED FRAGS!!!:D
Now it sounds like Christmas. Can I just open one Toy ?:D Good to have you guys in the list.


I'm in Lock Hven, right by the hospital. Ron has his own ideas about what's prudent when starting a tank - some of which are not commonly accepted. I do buy livestock from him even though he's really expensive, because they are ALWAYS healthy and eating well. I never buy drygoods there unless they are used - then they are about retail price, but I like to support his store. I have two 120's a 58 and a 40 going now (and doing well). I'd be glad to set you up with RO/DI water to get started, if you don't mind carrying it. I have plenty of empty salt buckets with lids. Always glad when someone local gets interested in the hobby and pulling for them to do well. When your critters are thriving, we can swap some frags.You can email me directly at:
Tagamet (Larry)
I will do that when I know exactly how many people coming. So far I have 15 people in my list. I'm sure we are going to have more.
Snookie: Larry is a friend of mine and he is a super super super nice guy and has good knowledge about this hobby and I'm sure he can tell show you some tips.

Do you remember last Sunday on the highway somebody waved to you in the car while you were driving from Lock Haven ? I was driving and that was my photographer coming from J Street after a dive. :D


I just stumbled onto this site (and forum) this morning and already I'm connected! I do triathlons and in the summer I swim in the river at Lock Haven. I go in at the boat launch and swim up under the bridge and past the park. Larry, you may remember Englert's Fish Shop. Donny tried to help me, but things just didn't work out. When my Clarkie Clown died, I threw in the towel. I posted a question about which protein skimmer might be best for me. Since Ron's rocks are supposedly cured, I was hoping to get things up and running for a few weeks before I put any livestock in. I checked live rock prices around the net and his prices aren't too bad when you factor in shipping. I think the dude at his shop said $6.95/pound. I have to tear down my tank and clean it up good before I do anything. I assume I will need a new bio-wheel too, going from fresh to salt. I hope to join the club and hook up in May.:cool:
If you are going to have live rocks you won't be needing bio wheels. I have that is sitting in my basement that you can have for free.
Hey, I live in Middleburg and will try to attend....didnt know there was that much interest in our area??? COOL....
Middleburg: the raceway area. Welcome to the group and you have been added to my list.
Yeeeehaaa, here is the latest result. I put those who said 17 in one list and those who said 18th in one. More people wanted 17th and since others said that both day is fine then here is the change. The meeting will be on the 17th..
Depending on how many people I will give direction the start of May..
So far so cool guys.. There are more reefers coming than the list here.
Zooqi, Did You Say "Free Beer?"

Zooqi, Did You Say "Free Beer?"

Woo hoo! I hope I have something to trade by then. What time?
How far from D.C. are you guys? I will let our club know. I might be able to conviently pass through the area at that time myself.

Our zip code 17701

Our zip code 17701

is about 215 miles from center of Washington, DC. Is about 170 from Baltimore. I remember that because I just got an e-mail from somebody in Arlington, VA last week. Hope to see you guys here.
Hey everyone!

I'd be interested in attending. I live in Harrisburg, so it would only be about a two hour drive. I'm real new to the hobby, and wouldn't have anything to actually trade, but might be interested in buying. My tank is on order, and should arrive within the next 4 to 5 weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything hooked up and live rock added shortly after that.

Saturday May 17th would work for me (at least as of right now).

Looking forward to meeting everyone!